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The Meaning of Reproduction and Its Types in Animals and Plants, Know the Differences

The Meaning of Reproduction and Its Types in Animals and Plants, Know the Differences Illustration (credit: - Reproduction becomes a very important process for living creatures. Its purpose is to maintain the survival and preservation of life in nature.

Animals and plants have different ways of reproducing. Moreover, within one animal species, it can also be different from other animal species. The same goes for plants, which have their own reproduction based on their types.

This is why reproduction is grouped into several types and categories. Before that, let's first understand what the meaning of reproduction actually is. The meaning of reproduction can also be said to produce similar and related species. So it will multiply, duplicate, or add new species to a group based on its parent.

To know the explanation of the meaning of reproduction, it is important for you to understand the following review. As for the reference explanation about the meaning of reproduction, you can check it out below, which has been summarized by from various sources.


1. The Meaning of Reproduction in KBBI

Since elementary school, students are taught about Natural and Social Sciences, one of which is about the reproduction of living creatures. But do you know the meaning of reproduction?

Understanding the meaning of reproduction can be seen in the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). According to KBBI, the meaning of reproduction is to increase in number. Increasing in number means multiplying or producing living creatures that are of the same kind, similar, and the same as their parents.

Therefore, reproduction is very important to maintain the sustainability and preservation of living creatures. That is why by reproducing, a group of living creatures can remain sustainable and far from the threat of extinction. In addition, the meaning of reproduction in KBBI refers to living creatures such as plants and animals. Although it can also refer to any other type of living creature.


2. Meaning of Reproduction According to Experts

Several experts also have their own opinions in defining the meaning of reproduction. The meaning of reproduction itself is basically to maintain the survival of living organisms. Because through reproduction, it becomes the process of forming or producing new living organisms of the same kind. Now, according to several experts, here is an explanation of the meaning of reproduction. Just take a look at the references about the meaning of reproduction according to experts below.

- The meaning of reproduction according to Santrok Yussen: The meaning of reproduction according to Santrok Yussen is the process of the formation of new individuals produced from the meeting of sperm and egg cells and lasts until the end of life.

- The meaning of reproduction according to M. Ismail: The meaning of reproduction is mentioned as a way to maintain offspring in order to remain sustainable. Its goal is to produce new individuals or species that have the same genetic traits and can increase their number in nature.

- The meaning of reproduction according to Panut: The meaning of reproduction is the way an organism preserves its species. Each organism has a different way of reproducing. In this case, reproduction is very important for an organism. It can be done by the organism itself or with the help of other creatures like humans.

Those are some definitions of the meaning of reproduction according to experts. So, by knowing the meanings of reproduction according to experts, it will make it easier for you to understand its significance.


3. Types of Reproduction in Animals

As mentioned in the previous discussion, every living creature has its own way of reproducing. Like reproduction in animals, which can be divided into several types.

Based on the type, reproduction can be categorized into vegetative reproduction and generative reproduction. Meanwhile, in generative reproduction, animals are divided into several types, some of which you can learn about in the following discussion. To find out the types of reproduction in animals, here is the explanation KLovers.

- Oviparous: Oviparous is reproduction that is done by laying eggs. It means that in oviparous animals, after fertilization, the embryo will develop in the form of an egg and then hatch at a certain time. For example, animals that reproduce oviparously are birds (chickens, ducks, birds), or snakes and similar animals.

- Viviparous: Viviparous is reproduction that is done by giving birth. It means that in viviparous animals, after fertilization, the embryo will grow and develop in the mother's womb. During this fetal development, it is also known as pregnancy. For example, animals that undergo viviparous reproduction are cows, cats, lions, dogs, and the like.

- Oviviparous: Oviviparous reproduction is done in two ways, namely laying eggs and giving birth. After fertilization, the embryo will develop in the form of eggs stored in the uterus. The fetus will remain in the mother's body until it is time to hatch. For example, types of animals with oviviparous reproduction are sharks and seahorses.

Meanwhile, the type of vegetative reproduction or asexual reproduction in animals, for example, is Hydra buds and planarian fragmentation. That is the understanding and types of reproduction in animals that you need to know.


4. Types of Reproduction in Plants

After knowing the meaning of reproduction and the types of reproduction in animals, also learn how reproduction occurs in plants. Because there are several types of reproduction in animals that you also need to know. However, as known, most plant reproduction occurs through vegetative processes, although there are types of plants that reproduce through generative processes. Now, here are the types of reproduction in plants.

1. Vegetative Reproduction in Plants

In plants, vegetative reproduction means the process is done without mating or asexual. In plants, vegetative reproduction can occur on its own or with assistance. Vegetative reproduction can occur through self-division. There are also other methods such as fragmentation or budding. For example, plants such as tubers, shoot plants like bananas, or mushrooms. Meanwhile, there are also other examples in the process of vegetative reproduction of plants, such as grafting or cuttings that require human assistance.

2. Generative in Plants

In the generative reproduction of plants, the process can occur when pollen falls on the stigma. From this process, it will produce flowers that will then develop into fruits. Pollination in these plants can occur by self-pollination, cross-pollination, neighbor pollination, different types, or bastard pollination.

That is an explanation of the meaning of reproduction that you need to know. So that it makes it easier for you to understand what reproduction means.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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