Kapanlagi.com - Vegetables are one type of food that is good for the body. In fact, to facilitate fasting during Ramadan, vegetable menus are mandatory to ensure that the body gets enough vitamins during fasting. However, it turns out that not all vegetables are good to be consumed during sahur.
It is very important to maintain the body's stamina during fasting in Ramadan so that the body remains strong. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the food consumed during sahur in order to be able to fast all day long.
Vegetables are sometimes the preferred healthy choice to be consumed. However, there are several vegetables that are not always good to be consumed during sahur. Here are the types of vegetables that you should avoid:
1. Kangkung

(credit: instagram.com/wahana_hidroponik)
Imagining suhoor with warm rice and sautéed kangkung is a perfect combination. The deliciousness of kangkung makes many people really like this type of vegetable. The relatively high iron content in kangkung can supply iron in the body.
However, it is advisable to avoid kangkung as your suhoor companion. This is because kangkung contains lime which can cause gout. As a result, it can cause unbearable pain symptoms and a feeling of heat in the joints.
2. Mushrooms

(credit: freepik)
Who can resist the temptation of mushrooms served during suhoor? Its chewy texture makes the tongue want to keep chewing. Especially if cooked with sauté or as mushroom, this chewy-textured food similar to meat is certainly delicious and appetizing.
However, don't be tempted, it turns out that mushrooms are not good to consume during suhoor. This is because the fructose content in mushrooms is quite high. Fructose itself is a contributor to gas in digestion which can cause bloating.
3. Cabbage

(credit: instagram.com/gubugtani_)
Cabbage is one of the types of vegetables that are often used as a combination of vegetable dishes, although people often consume cabbage without being processed or only as a side dish. However, there are several cabbage vegetable recipes such as capcay, stir-fry, and additional vegetables in the orak-arik menu.
Cabbage does have many benefits for the body. The contents of cabbage include vitamin A and B complex. However, you should also be cautious if cabbage becomes a sahur menu. This is because cabbage contains a lot of gas, which can cause your stomach to become bloated. So, it would be better for you to avoid this type of vegetable.
4. Sweet Corn

(credit: freepik)
Sweet corn is one of the vegetables that is categorized as food that should be avoided during sahur. Although corn has a delicious taste when eaten and can provide a longer feeling of fullness during fasting.
Sweet corn has a high carbohydrate content and can even be a substitute for rice. However, corn is not good for the body when consumed during sahur. This is because corn is a vegetable that takes a long time to digest, so the intestines have to work multiple times, which will certainly cause your stomach to become bloated.
5. Asparagus

(credit: freepik)
Who doesn't know this type of vegetable? Well, asparagus is usually consumed with steak or stir-fried. Asparagus has a crispy and refreshing texture when eaten.
But, don't be tempted to include asparagus in your suhoor list. Because asparagus contains high levels of raffinose. Raffinose is a sugar that contributes to gas in your stomach. That's why it can cause bloating and disrupt your fasting.
6. White Mustard Greens

(credit: kk_sayuran)
White mustard greens are known as a vegetable that can help alleviate stomach pain. Well, usually white mustard greens are suitable for stir-frying with a delicious shrimp mixture.
In addition to treating stomach pain, white mustard greens can also reduce the risk of heart disease. However, be careful if you include white mustard greens in your suhoor meal, because they contain gas that is not good for the stomach.
7. Chili

(credit: freepik)
For spicy food lovers, consuming chili is something that cannot be left behind when enjoying a meal. However, you also need to know that the spicy taste produced by chili will make you feel constantly thirsty. In addition, the spiciness of chili can also trigger an increase in stomach acid. So it's better to avoid it.
Those are some vegetables that should be avoided when having sahur. Vegetables are indeed good for our body, but it is better to know the content and effects of the sahur before consuming them. Hope it is beneficial.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.