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Unexpectedly, These 6 Objects are Dirtier than Toilets

Unexpectedly, These 6 Objects are Dirtier than Toilets Objects that are actually dirtier than toilets (credit: Freepik) - There are many objects that we often touch every day. Although they may seem very clean, it turns out that some of these objects are dirtier than toilets, KLovers. In fact, these objects harbor millions of germs, but we handle them every day.

Some of these objects are also used to serve food. What are the objects that are dirtier than toilets? According to various sources, let's check it out KLovers.




1. Toothbrush

The first thing that is dirtier than the toilet is the toothbrush. This one thing is one of the things we often use to brush our teeth in the morning, after eating, and also at night before bed.

This object that often goes in and out of our mouths actually has millions of bacteria, KLovers. In a study released by the University of Arizona, the US, it is mentioned that a dirty toothbrush contains bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus that disrupt the balance and health of the oral cavity.

Even the number of bacteria in between toothbrush bristles can reach 10 million bacteria. That's why we are advised to replace the toothbrush at least every 3 months. Also, store the toothbrush in a dry place so that bacteria do not easily multiply.




2. Towel

The second thing that is dirtier than the toilet is the towel. Yup! Apparently, the towel is one of the items that is very dirty, KLovers. This is because the towel is a moist object that is easily attacked by bacteria.

According to the American Society for Microbiology, a towel that is not changed for a long time contains a lot of bacteria that are usually found on the toilet seat, such as Escherichia coli, Enterococcus, and Staphylococcus. These three bacteria are the causes of diarrhea and skin diseases.

It is advisable to regularly dry the towel in the hot sun after use. And don't forget to regularly wash the towel to maintain the bacteria inside the towel.




3. Dishwashing Sponge

Just because it's always exposed to soap doesn't mean it's clean, KLovers. In fact, dishwashing sponges are one of the dirtiest items compared to toilets. Functioning as one of the kitchen utensil cleaners, sponges are actually one of the dirtiest items.

According to a study published in the online health journal Scientific Reports, kitchen sponge contains no less than 363 species of bacteria with a total number reaching 45 billion bacteria per square centimeter. And a wet sponge is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

To avoid diseases, it is advisable to dry the sponge to reduce the growth of bacteria. In addition, you can replace the sponge regularly every 1 to 3 weeks.




4. Gadget

Who can live without gadgets? In this era, gadgets have become one of the important modern tools for daily life and even office work. Even school children nowadays need gadget devices for their learning.

Becoming a part of life, but in reality gadgets become a nest of extraordinary bacteria, KLovers. Even gadgets are dirtier than toilets. According to a study conducted by the University of Arizona, USA, various gadgets such as mobile phones, keyboard buttons, laptops, notepads, and others have 10 times more bacteria than toilet seats.

And can you imagine if we hold and use these items every day? And never clean them properly. Of course, this will become a disease for our bodies.




5. Cutting Board

Apparently, cutting boards are one of the dirtiest items compared to toilets, KLovers. Can you imagine if a cutting board, which is used to serve food, can be dirtier than a toilet?

It is known that a health practitioner from The Hygiene Doctor, Dr. Lisa Ackerley, conducted a study on the cleanliness of kitchen cutting boards. And the results are very surprising, as cutting boards are 200 times dirtier than toilet seats, with an average contamination of 24,250 bacteria per square centimeter.

The bacteria commonly found on cutting boards are salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter, which can cause food poisoning and diarrhea. To address this issue, you should regularly clean your cutting board, KLovers, to keep it clean and free from bacteria.




6. Remote TV

It is no longer a strange thing for TV remotes to be one of the dirtiest objects compared to toilets. In fact, TV remotes in bedrooms are 8 times dirtier than toilet seats. And this happens because people do not wash their hands when they touch this object.

Meanwhile, fingers are a very easy medium for germs to stick to. That's why we are advised to wash our hands regularly for 20-30 seconds with soap and running water before touching other objects, including TV remotes.

These are 6 objects that we touch every day and are dirtier than toilets. These objects are very dangerous because they have millions of bacteria that are harmful to the body.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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