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Very Powerful, Here are 6 Easy Ways to Remove Rust from Household Appliances

Very Powerful, Here are 6 Easy Ways to Remove Rust from Household Appliances How to remove rust (credit: freepik) - How to remove rust from household appliances is indeed much sought after. Rust itself is a major problem for household tools related to iron and metal. Often, rusty iron and metal are brittle, easily dissolved, and mixed with other metals, as well as toxic. This is certainly annoying and can become dirty if it comes into contact with rusty equipment.

Therefore, many people throw away rusty equipment and replace it with new ones. However, don't rush to do that. Although there are many rust removal products available on the market, some of these methods are relatively easy.

Curious? Instead of being curious, let's take a look at the complete review below.


1. Baking Soda

If until now we have known baking soda as an ingredient for cake leavening, it turns out that baking soda also has benefits for removing rust. Yes, stubborn rust on household items can be removed simply by using baking soda. Because, the acidic substance that removes rust can be obtained from baking soda. So, how do you remove it?

First, mix baking soda with water until it becomes a paste. Then, apply the baking soda paste to the rusty item. Leave it for a few hours, then scrub it with a toothbrush until the rust disappears. Finally, you just need to rinse it with clean water.

2. Vinegar

Another way to remove rust from household items is by using vinegar. Vinegar is not only a condiment used in food, but it also functions as a rust cleaner. The method is also relatively easy and can be practiced at home.

You just need to soak the rusty item in vinegar that has been collected in a container. To make it more effective, you can add salt to the vinegar solution. After that, soak it for 30-60 minutes, then wash and clean it with clean water.

3. Potatoes

Not only filling when consumed, it turns out that potatoes are one of the effective ingredients for removing rust. Because potatoes contain oxalic acid which helps remove rust.

The way to do it is to cut the potato in half and then dip the cut end of the potato into a dish soap solution. After that, rub the potato on the rusty surface for several hours. You don't need to use a new potato to repeat the process. Just add more soap to the surface of the potato. Quite easy, right?

4. Lemon and Salt

The mixture of lemon and salt turns out to be a powerful way to remove rust. You can rub rusty household items with a mixture of lemon and salt using a brush. After that, rinse off the remaining lemon and salt until clean and see the results.

In addition to the above method, you can use lemon juice to remove stubborn rust. The way is also quite easy, just rub lemon juice and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

5. Citric Acid

Citric acid is one of the proven effective rust removers. Here's how: mix citric acid with warm water as needed. Then soak the rusty item for one hour. After soaking, you can scrub the rusty area with a brush until clean, then rinse it.

6. Using Vinegar

Next, you can remove rust using vinegar. In fact, the method is quite easy. First, you just need to soak the rusty item in vinegar overnight to dissolve the rust. Then, the next day, you can simply scrub it with a toothbrush and rinse it with water until clean.

Those are some easy ways to remove rust from household items. Additionally, you should also keep your household items dry, as water is one of the main causes of rust. Hope this is helpful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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