Request for Postponement of Examination, Is Nikita Mirzani Trying to Avoid Legal Entanglements?
Video KLY
School Ready to Accept Novi Sukatani to Teach Again, As Long as...
School Ready to Accept Novi Sukatani to Teach Again, As Long as...
Deliberately Making Plans to Meet in Malaysia, Are Verrell Bramasta and Fuji Dating?
Deliberately Making Plans to Meet in Malaysia, Are Verrell Bramasta and Fuji Dating?
Often Linked to the Disappearance of the Late Olga Syahputra's Savings, Mak Vera Speaks Up
Often Linked to the Disappearance of the Late Olga Syahputra's Savings, Mak Vera Speaks Up
Viral Sukatani Vocalist Fired, School Authorities: Teachers in Our School Must Cover Aurat
Viral Sukatani Vocalist Fired, School Authorities: Teachers in Our School Must Cover Aurat
Moment of Kim Sae Ron's Coffin Departure to Paju Memorial Park Accompanied by Family Tears
The body of talented South Korean actress Kim Sae Ron was buried on Wednesday morning, February 19, 2025, three days after she took her last breath on Sunday, February 16, 2025. Her body was transported from the funeral home at Asan Medical Center to Paju Memorial Park at around 6 a.m.
Chronology of the Feud Between Cik Mehong & Tasyi Athasyia, Starting From the Bika Ambon Review - A Comment on This
The culinary world is buzzing with the feud between Tasyi Athasyia and Ci Mehong. It started when Tasyi uploaded a review video about various viral cakes on TikTok, including Bika Ambon made by Ci Mehong priced at Rp 100 thousand, on her YouTube channel.
Apologizing to Mother, the Drama of LM and Nikita Mirzani Ends Happily
Apologizing to Mother, the Drama of LM and Nikita Mirzani Ends Happily
Chronology of Hotman Paris Suddenly Falling Ill During Trial
Chronology of Hotman Paris Suddenly Falling Ill During Trial
Forced to Remove the Mask, Sukatani Withdraws the Song 'Pay Pay Pay' From Streaming Media Platforms
Forced to Remove the Mask, Sukatani Withdraws the Song 'Pay Pay Pay' From Streaming Media Platforms
Holding Back Tears While Reading Poetry, Desta Expresses Heartfelt Words for Natasha Rizky
Holding Back Tears While Reading Poetry, Desta Expresses Heartfelt Words for Natasha Rizky
Fariz RM Arrested Again Over Drug Case for the Fourth Time
Fariz RM Arrested Again Over Drug Case for the Fourth Time
Lawyer Requests Suspension of VAB's Detention, Razman Nasution Admits He Is Sad Because of LM's Treatment?
On the other hand, Razman Nasution admitted he is sad because of the difference in LM's behavior when asking for help from him and his wife some time ago and how he is treated now. What kind of treatment disappointed Razman?