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4 Portraits of Asep Askar, Former Husband of Dorce Gamalama, Married for 2 Years - Refuses to Disclose the Cause of Separation

4 Portraits of Asep Askar, Former Husband of Dorce Gamalama, Married for 2 Years - Refuses to Disclose the Cause of Separation Special - Presenter Dorce Gamalama passed away after receiving treatment at Pertamina Central Hospital (RSPP) in Jakarta on Wednesday (16/2/2022). The departure of the 58-year-old presenter has left her family and friends feeling a loss.

Dorce's life has become the center of attention, including her ex-husband named Asep Askar. What is he like? As reported by, find out more here.

1. Secret Marriage

Dorce is known to have had a relationship and also secretly married to a man named Asep Askar. 

2. Brunei Darussalam

At that time, it was known that Asep had a Brunei Darussalam passport. They were reported to have married in June 2009.

3. Caught the Attention of Netizens

Of course, the marriage attracted the attention of netizens in the country at that time. Even photos of their wedding were widely circulated.

4. Only Lasted 2 Years

Unfortunately, their marriage only lasted for 2 years. They decided to separate in June 2011.

5. Incompatibility

Dorce initially refused to reveal the reason for their divorce. However, Asep mentioned that they divorced due to incompatibility.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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