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A Series of Memes about Various Hotman Paris that Will Make You Laugh!

A Series of Memes about Various Hotman Paris that Will Make You Laugh!


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A Series of Memes about Various Hotman Paris that Will Make You Laugh!

Hotman Paris is known as a famous lawyer in the country who has created many sensations. Memes about him have recently become a hot topic among netizens on Twitter.

One of his photos was edited in various ways to become different 'types of Hotman'. So, here are the Hotman Paris memes that are currently being discussed.

A Series of Memes about Various Hotman Paris that Will Make You Laugh!

A number of memes circulating on Twitter have become a hot topic.

A Series of Memes about Various Hotman Paris that Will Make You Laugh!

The memes show various types of Hotman. His last name is changed to different city names around the world.

A Series of Memes about Various Hotman Paris that Will Make You Laugh!

Not only that, Hotman's face and clothes were also edited to match the style of the city.


This is one of them, Hotman 'Mumbai'. The edited photo of Hotman originated from India.


Meanwhile, Hotman 'Tokyo' was edited with Hotman wearing traditional Japanese clothes complete with a hand holding a shake.


Truly creative, isn't it, Indonesian netizens?


Not only clothes, a beard can also be added to Hotman's face.


Not only foreign big cities, netizens also edited Hotman's photo with the names of cities in Indonesia.


Not only Jogja, Hotman also has versions in Denpasar, Tangerang, and Depok.


According to KLovers, what do you think? Why was Hotman 'Tangerang' edited like this?