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Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

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Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

After living in an apartment, Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier decided to move into a new house. Now becoming residents of West Java, Bogor area, Vebby and Razi occupy a big and spacious house. Curious about what Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's new house looks like? Let's take a peek.


Only 3 days, Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier have moved into a big and spacious house. The front of the house is predominantly white.


Vebby and Razi are seen sunbathing with their child and looking beautiful with the green leaves in front of their house.

Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

Still 3 days left in their new house, the furniture is still empty, even their living room only has a red carpet.

Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

In the family room, there is a spacious television and sofa made for relaxation.

Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's private room is predominantly grayish white, even spoiled with the view of trees in front of their house.


There is also an ensuite bathroom in Vebby and Razi's private room.


The bathroom inside is not too spacious, but it looks comfortable for bathing the little one.

Big and Spacious, Peek into Vebby Palwinta and Razi Bawazier's New House with Empty Rooms and Dominantly White Private Room

Close to their private room, there is a room for the little one dominated by white color.


The kitchen in Vebby and Razi's new house looks spacious, unlike the kitchen in their previous apartment.


Living in their new house, Vebby and Razi seem to not set boundaries for each room.