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Divorce from Adilla Dimitri, Wulan Guritno's Legal Counsel Affirms No Infidelity

Divorce from Adilla Dimitri, Wulan Guritno's Legal Counsel Affirms No Infidelity Wulan Guritno © Herdianto - Artist Wulan Guritno officially became a widow for the second time after the South Jakarta Religious Court granted her divorce lawsuit against Adilla Dimitri by default. In the divorce, Wulan Guritno's legal representative, Ficky Fernando, reiterated that the separation was done amicably and there was no infidelity involved.

"There was no infidelity, it's far from the truth," said Ficky Fernando after the trial at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Thursday (8/4).

1. Not Revealing the Reason for Divorce

However, even though they have officially divorced, Ficky remains tight-lipped about the reasons why Wulan and Adilla chose to end their 12-year marriage.

"Well, I can't answer that as it's their personal matter. The important thing is that they are both doing well," he concluded.

2. Separate Amicably

As is known, Wulan Guritno filed for divorce against her husband, Adilla Dimitri, on February 25, 2021. Wulan claimed that they separated amicably and still live together with the man she married on March 27, 2009.

From their marriage, they have produced two children, London Abigail Dimitri and Jeremiah Alric Dimitri. Wulan herself came to the court, but she only stayed inside the car and did not come out at all.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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