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Family Economic Conditions Become More Unstable, Zul Zivilia's Children Have to Drop Out of School

Family Economic Conditions Become More Unstable, Zul Zivilia's Children Have to Drop Out of School Zul Zivilia's family economic condition worsens (credit: Herdianto) - Zul Zivilia is still serving his sentence for a drug case that has trapped him. However, recently, rumors circulated on social media that Zul was waiting for execution.

Of course, this shocked the family, because their condition is also very difficult. When met in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, on Friday night (3/6), Zul Zivilia's wife, Retno Paradinah, said that their children had to stop going to school because of the worsening economic conditions.

"Certainly, it's sad, especially because the child who dropped out of school really needs education because he is different from his other siblings," said Retno Paradinah.

"It's sad, actually. He asked to be taken to Makassar, but it's not possible to go far away like that. He's my child, so I'm doing my best to make sure he can go to school. That's why this year I really want to send my first child to school," she continued.

1. Not Willing to Ask for Help from Relatives

Despite being in a difficult situation, Retno Paradinah admitted that she felt uncomfortable asking for help from her relatives if the situation was not too urgent. She also felt more uneasy, especially because news about her husband's death sentence went viral on social media.

"I have many nieces and nephews, so I feel like I'm asking for a lot and it's heavy. I just ask for help when I'm really pressed, and this one is quite big," she said.

2. Children Often Ask About Zul Zivilia

In addition, Retno also admitted that her children often ask about their father. As much as possible, as a mother, Retno slowly explains to her children.

"Of course, if they ask, we will look for him. What else can they do? I explain to them to be patient and they will eventually meet him," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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