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Feeling Sad Because of Moana's Speech Delay, Ria Ricis Reveals Moana Can Already Speak Some Words and Sentences

Feeling Sad Because of Moana's Speech Delay, Ria Ricis Reveals Moana Can Already Speak Some Words and Sentences Credit: - After her divorce case with Teuku Ryan became public consumption, Ria Ricis revealed a fact that has never been told before. Namely, regarding her only daughter named Cut Raifa Aramoana.

At almost two years old, it turns out that Moana is not yet fluent in speaking. This of course makes her sad because she is often compared to other children.

"What makes me sad is that Moana can't speak fluently yet. She's almost two years old now. When I take her to school, I often meet other moms who would say things like 'Is she always quiet?' or 'Is she not fluent yet?'" Ricis said as quoted from the show Sahabat Cantik.

1. Visit Therapists and Educate Moana

However, that sadness gradually disappeared after Ria Ricis found out that Moana could already speak a few words and sentences. This is because she actively took her child to therapists and also enrolled her in school.

"Moana's condition, thank God, is more active. She can already say a few words and sentences. The therapy continues. That's why I enrolled her in several schools," said Ria Yunita, the owner of the full name, when met in Tangerang, West Java, on Saturday (25/5/2024).

2. Every Child is Different

Seeing what happened to Moana, Ria Ricis understands that every child has different development. As a parent, she tries to provide the best so that their growth is not disturbed.

"Children are different. Some walk first, talk first. We stimulate them," said Ricis.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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