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7 Portraits of Mikhayla Bakrie, Nia Ramadhani's Child, When Staring at Rafathar, Raffi Ahmad's Child Until Distracted

7 Portraits of Mikhayla Bakrie, Nia Ramadhani's Child, When Staring at Rafathar, Raffi Ahmad's Child Until Distracted Portraits of Mikhayla Bakrie, Nia Ramadhani's child when meeting Rafathar Malik Ahmad (credit: - The Cendol Gang recently gathered at Aurel Hermansyah's residence. They didn't come alone, the beautiful celebrity children were also invited to join this circle of friends.

Including Rafathar Malik Ahmad who joined his mother to meet the Cendol Gang. The eldest child of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina also met other celebrity children such as Mikhayla Zalindra Bakrie. Interestingly, the interaction between Rafathar and Mikhayla successfully caught attention.

Many people are shipping them because they look so adorable. Curious about what Mikhayla Bakrie looks like when interacting with Rafathar Malik Ahmad? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Mikhayla Bakrie Joining the Cendol Gang

As we know, Mikhayla Bakrie is the eldest child of Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie. Recently, her mother, who is a member of the Cendol Gang, invited Mikhayla to join her friends. This time, Aurel Hermansyah's house became the meeting place for the Cendol Gang. And Mikhayla was present among the Cendol Gang with her beloved mother, Nia Ramadhani.

2. Meeting Rafathar Malik Ahmad

Mikhayla's arrival was warmly welcomed by the members of the Cendol Gang. When meeting her mother's friends, Mikhayla greeted each one of them. Not only that, Nia Ramadhani's eldest child also met Rafathar Malik Ahmad. Their meeting this time became the center of attention due to the interaction between them.

3. Rafathar Gets Distracted

Through their social media account, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina uploaded a moment when Rafathar interacted with Mikhayla. In the upload, this celebrity couple saw their son getting distracted when meeting Mikhayla. This short video shows the moment when Rafathar, who was busy playing games, then stopped his activity. Nagita Slavina's child can be seen looking towards Mikhayla Bakrie. This moment has become a hot topic on social media.

4. Appearing Familiar

In the meeting of these two celebrity children, Rafathar and Mikhayla looked quite familiar. They initially just looked at each other. Meanwhile, Mikhayla and Rafathar were seen talking. However, the topic they were discussing is unknown. In this moment, Arsy Hermansyah and Ameena Hanna Nur Atta were also present.

5. Invite to Chat

Mikhayla and Rafathar not only gaze at each other, but also engage in light conversation. Although children's conversations are usually simple, this moment still manages to make many people smile. Including Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina who tease their son in their social media post. A sweet smile also radiates from Mikhayla's face during her interaction with Rafathar.

"Cie," Raffi Ahmad wrote in the caption @RaffiNagita1717.

6. 3 Years Apart

They appear to be friends of the same age, Rafathar Malik Ahmad and Mikhayla Bakrie are actually a few years apart in age. Mikhayla Bakrie was born on June 2, 2012, and is now 11 years old. Meanwhile, Rafathar Malik Ahmad was born on August 15, 2015, and is now 8 years old. Despite that, they both seem comfortable playing together.

7. Matchmade by Netizens

Many netizens find Mikhayla and Rafathar's interaction adorable when they meet up with Geng Cendol. In fact, many say they are a perfect match for each other. This shows the immense enthusiasm and public attention towards these celebrity children.

That is a portrait of Mikhayla Bakrie when she met Rafathar Malik Ahmad. These two celebrity children are also said to emit a charming charm.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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