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Will Bring Big Family, Thariq Halilintar Prepares a Place to Hold Engagement Event

Will Bring Big Family, Thariq Halilintar Prepares a Place to Hold Engagement Event Thariq Halilintar © - Recently, Thariq Halilintar visited the grave of Adjie Massaid, the father of Aaliyah Massaid. He came to ask for blessings through prayer to marry Aaliyah Massaid.

"Alhamdulillah, yesterday I managed to visit right after finishing the series of events," said Thariq Halilintar when met in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Thursday (23/4).

Previously, Thariq had personally proposed to Aaliyah Massaid. Next, the younger brother of Atta Halilintar is currently preparing an official engagement event with the family.

"Now we are preparing for the family engagement event. Events like that, preparing for the family engagement first," said Thariq.

1. Prepare a Place for Proposal

Thariq is still preparing a place and location to hold the proposal event, considering his large family. "That's because our family is so big. My family, especially my extended family, should be accommodated," he said.

Because of that, Thariq is looking for a place that can accommodate his large family. "That's the problem, because I have a lot of extended family, so I have to find a place that can accommodate everyone," said Thariq.

"Pray, God willing, everyone will come," Thariq continued.

2. Does Not Want to Postpone the Proposal

Thariq has not given any hints about the date of the proposal event. However, he said he does not want to postpone the proposal event, which he considers very important.

"Not yet, if the date is not set, I can't spill anything. God willing, I don't want it to be too long because this is something that I consider important," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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