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Studying in America, This is the Contents of Cinta Kuya's School Bag as Unveiled by Her Father - It Doesn't Make Sense

Studying in America, This is the Contents of Cinta Kuya's School Bag as Unveiled by Her Father - It Doesn't Make Sense Cinta Kuya's school bag contents revealed (credit: - Cinta Kuya, the daughter of famous presenter Uya Kuya, is currently pursuing her education in the United States. In a moment captured by her father, this 20-year-old celebrity's daughter showed the contents of her bag that left everyone amazed.

Through social media, Uya Kuya shared the moment of seeing his daughter's bag contents. The bag is usually used by Cinta Kuya for school. Upon her father's request, Cinta didn't hesitate to show what's inside her school bag.

However, when she revealed what she brought, Uya Kuya was surprised. Curious about what's inside Cinta Kuya's school bag? Check it out here, KLovers.

1. Portrait of Cinta Kuya Reveals the Contents of Her Bag

While living far away from her parents, the activities of Cinta Kuya and Nino Kuya are still monitored by Uya Kuya. This is because the house occupied by these two celebrity children in America has CCTV installed at several points. Meanwhile, recently Uya Kuya met with his daughter. Interestingly, Uya Kuya became curious about the contents of Cinta's school bag. He asked his child to show the items she had brought.

"Cinta, unbox your bag, your school bag," said Uya Kuya as quoted from the @king_uyakuya account.

2. There is a Notebook

Cinta Kuya confidently showed the contents of her school bag. In a video recorded by her father, Cinta took out each item one by one from her bag. Like most students, Cinta Kuya carries a notebook in her bag. This is a portrait of the contents of Cinta Kuya's bag.

3. Carrying Safety Glasses

In addition to the notebook, Cinta Kuya's bag also contains safety glasses. Apparently, this eye protection device is usually used by Cinta Kuya during laboratory classes. It's no wonder that this 2004-born celebrity child brings such equipment for lessons on campus.

4. Containing Exam Papers and Course Assignments

In addition to the notebook, Cinta's bag is also filled with exam papers and course assignments. Several sheets of exam papers and assignments are neatly stored among the books that Cinta Kuya brings. However, Cinta admits that she doesn't want to show her exam papers because she is unsure of the grades she obtained.

5. Makes Salfok Save Many Coupon Papers

However, there is something that distracts Uya Kuya when Cinta unpacks her bag. It turns out that there are many coupon papers stored inside. Apparently, these coupons are food discount vouchers that Cinta Kuya often uses for purchases. Everything from Western food, Korean food, and others is neatly stored in Cinta Kuya's bag.

"Unpacking @cintakuya's bag, the contents are unbelievable," wrote Uya Kuya in the caption @king_uyakuya.

6. Admitting to Get Discounts

Making Uya Kuya confused as to why his daughter collects coupon papers, apparently, Cinta Kuya admits that it's to get discounts. For her, this is an effective way to save money and take advantage of various offers. She has already used some of these coupons to buy food.

7. Father Praises His Daughter's Saving Strategy

Seeing the fact that his daughter saves a lot of coupons, Uya Kuya actually praises Cinta Kuya's step. Because, it is a form of independence and a smart way for Cinta to manage expenses in the United States. A number of netizens also praised Uya Kuya's independent child who still works hard even though she is the child of a famous artist.

"Good for saving," said Uya Kuya.

That is the portrait of the contents of Cinta Kuya's bag that distracts attention. The moment when Cinta Kuya revealed the contents of her bag in front of her father also caught the attention of netizens.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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