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Father and Child Moment, Funny Dek Cunda Sleeping Next to Denny Caknan - His Hair Looks Similar!

Father and Child Moment, Funny Dek Cunda Sleeping Next to Denny Caknan - His Hair Looks Similar! credit: - Written by: Yunita Yasmine Salsabilla

After becoming a father, Denny Caknan often shares moments of taking care of his baby, Cundamani. Growing bigger and cuter, Denny Caknan never misses sharing the development of his daughter with his fans.

Recently, Dek Cunda's mother, Bella Bonita, shared a photo of Denny Caknan sleeping next to Cundamani. Although Cundamani's face is still kept secret, the resemblance between him and his father is still evident. Check out the full moment below.

1. Always Take Time to Play with Your Child

In the midst of his busy work in the entertainment world, Denny Caknan always takes the time to play with Cundamani. He doesn't want to miss out on the development moments of his first child. Even though he just came home from a performance, Denny promptly meets Dek Cunda.

Recently, Denny also shared a photo of himself taking care of Dek Cunda. Mama Belbon captured the moment, with Denny entertaining Cundamani.

2. Warm Moments Sleeping Side by Side

It is known that until now, the face of Cundamani is still being kept secret by Denny and Belbon. They have agreed that there will be a time when Cundamani's face will be exposed to the public.

Although the face of their child is still a secret, the resemblance between the daughter and father cannot be hidden. It is evident in the photo shared by Belbon when Denny and Cundamani are sound asleep.

They sleep side by side. Their faces look so alike, even though only Dek Cunda's eyes can be seen. Another thing that caught the attention of fans is that their hair is also styled in the same way, standing up.

3. When will Denny Caknan get married/

Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita have officially married on July 7, 2023.

4. What is the name of Denny Caknan's child

The first child's name of Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita is Sabil Maratungga Cundamani. Their little daughter is also often called Dek Cunda.

5. Is Denny Caknan's child premature

Denny Caknan and Bella Bonita's child, Cundamani, was born prematurely on February 5, 2024.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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