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Feni Rose's Rarely Exposed Family Lineage, Known Warmly and Having a Businessman Husband

Feni Rose's Rarely Exposed Family Lineage, Known Warmly and Having a Businessman Husband Feni Rose's Family © Instagram/gnnrmgvrl - Not long ago, Feni Rose and her husband were happily celebrating the wedding of their first child, Giannirma Gavrila Herman. On Saturday (21/3), Gianni officially married his beloved, Janed Kharisma.

Feni Rose is known as one of the well-known presenters in the country. However, who would have thought that this 46-year-old woman is quite private about her family. Despite that, Feni Rose's family is known to be very warm and harmonious.

In fact, this family also has a hobby of traveling abroad, such as to Europe. So, what is Feni Rose's family lineage like? Here is the complete review.








1. Married to Enkito Herman

Feni Rose has a husband named Enkito Herman Nugroho. Both are known to have careers in the presenter world.

The artist, born in Malang, and her husband have a production house business called Lights on Production. Feni Rose even admitted that doing business with her husband has been her dream since long ago.

2. Blessed with First Child

From her marriage to Enkito, Feni Rose was blessed with their first child named Giannirma Gavrila Herman. The woman affectionately called Gianni will turn 25 in September.

Gianni is a graduate of Anthropology from Padjajaran University. She is also known for being active in the advertising and fashion industry. In addition, she has been involved in magazine photoshoot projects in the country.

3. Blessed with a Second Child

Feni Rose has been blessed with a second daughter named Audi Kirana Herman. Currently, Audi is 14 years old as of February 19th.

In addition to being beautiful, Audi also has a talent in singing. She even has her own Youtube account that contains covers of songs by Billie Eilish and Celine Dion.

Many say that the beauty of both her daughters is inherited from their mother. Now, both of her daughters are growing up and becoming more beautiful.

4. Giannirma Gavrila Herman's Wedding

On Saturday (March 21st, 2020), Feni Rose's eldest daughter named Giannirma Gavrila officially married Janed Kharisma. The event was held in a simple manner and attended only by close relatives.

This wedding became a topic of conversation as it took place amidst the coronavirus outbreak. Although there were concerns, the family expressed gratitude and happiness.

5. Having a Photographer Son-in-law

Gianni and Janed both work in the advertising and fashion industry. Janed Kharisma is known as a fashion photographer and the founder of a commercial photo agency, Nedel Studio. In fact, Gianni has also been a model for his photography.

They have been in a relationship since 2017. Two years later, they officially got engaged on June 29, 2019.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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