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Feuding, Desiree Tarigan and Hotma Sitompul Have Not Filed for Divorce, Peaceful?

Feuding, Desiree Tarigan and Hotma Sitompul Have Not Filed for Divorce, Peaceful? Desiree Tarigan: Herdianto - Famous lawyer Hotma Sitompul is currently feuding with his wife, Desiree Tarigan. Their marital problems have escalated and become public consumption. Although they are 'attacking' each other, neither party has filed for divorce in court. This raises questions. 

Hotma himself has allowed Desiree to file for divorce in court rather than airing their family issues to the public.



1. Divorce Lawsuit

Regarding the unfiled divorce lawsuit, Desiree Tarigan remained silent. She entrusted her lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, to answer.

"As for the divorce matter, we'll deal with it later," said Hotman Paris at Komnas Perempuan, Jakarta, on Thursday (8/4/2021).




2. Chance for Peace

When asked further about the dispute between Desiree and Hotma, whether there is a chance for peace, once again Desiree remained silent.

"A woman who is grieving is forced to answer you for a peaceful resolution, that's so cruel of you. Please don't. Not to mention the accusation of taking kitchen utensils," said Hotman Paris.

"It's still serious at the moment, she is truly hurt. I can't answer yet if there is a possibility of peace," said Hotman.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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