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His Good Name is Defamed - Disturbing Work, Jonathan Frizzy Reports to the Police

His Good Name is Defamed - Disturbing Work, Jonathan Frizzy Reports to the Police - Actor Jonathan Frizzy was seen visiting the Metro Jaya Regional Police, South Jakarta. Apparently, the man who is familiarly called Ijonk wants to make a report regarding allegations of defamation against one of the Instagram social media accounts.

The report has now been registered with the number LP/B/1254/1/2024/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA. Ijonk said he reported the account because it has been disturbing his work.

"I am making a report for one person who can ruin my job by making negative comments on my work Instagram," said Ijonk at the Metro Jaya Regional Police, South Jakarta, Monday (4/3/2024).

1. Feeling Unacceptable Insulted

The alleged defamation was done by the hater, said Ijonk through a message on his personal Instagram. He felt unacceptable because the account had already used offensive and insulting words.

"The words were offensive, and defamatory and slanderous towards my work on Instagram," said Ijonk.

2. Already Given Warning

On the same occasion, the Legal Team of Puspa Sari Putri Management supported Ijonk's actions. Moreover, after previously being warned, the account did not show any good intentions.

"Of course, we have tried to cooperate, but there is no good intention as a good country, so we have to report it. Alhamdulillah, we have been accepted by the SPKT unit for the report," explained Puspa.

3. Owned by Individuals

In addition, Puspa ensures that the account that has committed the inappropriate act is owned by an individual.

"It's an individual account," Puspa concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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