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Back to Perform, Isyana Sarasvati Rocks Joyland Bali - Announces 1 Decade Concert Plan

Back to Perform, Isyana Sarasvati Rocks Joyland Bali - Announces 1 Decade Concert Plan Isyana Sarasvati © Novi - After taking a break following the miscarriage of her first child, Isyana Sarasvati is back to performing. She appeared at the Joyland Festival Bali 2024 on the third day and was enthusiastically welcomed by the Isyanation.

She performed wearing a black robe and edgy makeup with a bright red shade on her eyes, Isyana rocked the Joyland stage with her songs Lexicon and Sikap Duniawi, heating up the evening atmosphere on Peninsula Island. After performing several songs, Isyana greeted all the audience present today and prayed for clear weather.

"Joyland, how are you? It's been a while since I sang, right," Isyana said.

1. Announce 1 Decade Concert Plan

In the midst of her performance on stage, Isyana announced that this year marks her 10th year in the Indonesian music industry. She expressed her gratitude to her loyal Isyanation fans who have been following her career journey, despite the drastic change in her music genre compared to her early performances.

To celebrate 10 years of her career, Isyana revealed her plan to hold a special concert. Prior to that, she will perform her old songs in every concert throughout 2024, starting from Joyland Bali.

"Like other musicians, I also want to hold a grand concert to mark a decade of my career. That's why I want to perform my old songs. I have been keeping these songs from my first album for a long time. Now I want to bring back my old songs first," she said while performing Just Being You, Kau Adalah, and Tetap Dalam Jiwa but with new arrangements.

"This is Tetap Dalam Jiwa with a 2024 arrangement," she continued. The originally soulful song has been rearranged with a heavier and more energetic tone.

2. Isyana's Prayer Answered

After that, Isyana performed the song Ada-ada Aja which she recently released in November 2023. "This song is like our daily lives, always something happening," she said.

Isyana closed her performance at Joyland Bali with the song Il Sogno. The robe that was briefly taken off during the event was worn again by Isyana, making the aura of this song even more magical.

Isyana's prayer for clear weather turned out to be effective. Until the end of the concert, the weather in Nusa Dua, which was initially cloudy and dark, turned sunny until the event ended.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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