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In High Risk Condition Because of Three Bleeding Incidents, Patricia Gouw Decides to Have a Caesarean Delivery

In High Risk Condition Because of Three Bleeding Incidents, Patricia Gouw Decides to Have a Caesarean Delivery Patricia Gouw - Credit: - Patricia Gouw is currently five and a half months pregnant. Getting this pregnancy was not easy for the famous model. How could it not be, Patricia had experienced three miscarriages. It made her have to rest completely and not allowed to go up and down the stairs.

"I was told to have bed rest because of three bleeding incidents. Since I couldn't go up and down the stairs, I stayed at my mother's house and slept in my grandmother's room on the ground floor. Thank God, I am now healthy and five and a half months pregnant," said Patricia when met in Mampang, South Jakarta, last week.

1. Decide on a Caesarean Birth

A few months from now, Patricia Gouw will give birth to the long-awaited child of her love with Daniel Bertoli. Due to her vulnerable condition, she has decided to have a caesarean birth.

"My husband and I have decided to have a caesarean birth. Because my pregnancy is considered high risk, I have had bleeding three times out of four pregnancies," said Patricia.

2. According to Her Husband

Considering that she has a foreign husband, Patricia Gouw is unsure whether she will give birth in Indonesia or abroad. Wherever it may be, she leaves the decision to her husband.

"I want to give birth in Indonesia, but it means going back. My husband will surely look for the best and safest option according to him. So, I will just follow his decision," said the 33-year-old woman.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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