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Making Content Animals Can Recite Prayers, TikToker Galih Loss 'What's That' Arrested by Police

Making Content Animals Can Recite Prayers, TikToker Galih Loss 'What's That' Arrested by Police TikToker Galih Loss arrested by the police for blasphemy © - TikToker Galih Loss was apprehended by the Jakarta Metro Police for alleged blasphemy. Galih was accused of blasphemy for creating content about animals that can recite prayers.

This news was directly informed by Dirtipidsiber Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Pol Himawan Bayu Aji. He revealed that the case is being handled by the Subdit Siber Ditreskrimsus of the Jakarta Metro Police.

"Siber Mabes and Siber PMJ have already made the arrest on April 22, and the case is being handled by Siber PMJ," said Himawan Aji as quoted from Kumparan, Tuesday (23/4).

Kasubdit Siber Direskrimsus of the Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ardian Satrio, confirmed the information. Galih was arrested on Monday, April 22.

"(he was arrested) Last night," he said.

1. Religious Insult

In the content he uploaded on TikTok, Galih made a riddle with a young child. "What animal can recite religious verses?" he asked the child, and the child answered 'Whale'.

However, according to Galih, that answer is wrong. Galih responded by saying "Auuuuuuu" and then continued with the phrase taawuz.

2. Robbery Prank

In recent times, Galih Loss has been a hot topic of public discussion in the country. This is related to the prank content he uploaded on his personal TikTok account.

In his account, Galih created several contents that were considered disturbing because they disturbed people who were working. One of his viral videos recently was him shouting at someone as a robber, even though the person was actually working.

In the next content, he was criticized again for creating prank content of attempting to steal a gas cylinder from a gas cylinder vendor. However, the person was in a hurry to deliver their merchandise.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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