12 Plaintiffs Lower Compensation Demands, Ustaz Yusuf Mansur Signals Reconciliation
In order to achieve peace, 12 plaintiffs agreed to lower the compensation amount that they originally requested to around 780 million.
Kapanlagi.com - On Thursday (7/4), the beautiful actress Nindy Ayunda underwent a trial in a child abuse case allegedly committed by Lia Karyati, her former babysitter, at the South Jakarta District Court. The defense lawyer for the defendant, Ibnu Hardiman, read out a plea or defense note in response to the demands of the Public Prosecutor (JPU).
One thing that Ibnu highlighted in the trial was that until now, the original CCTV footage of the alleged child abuse incident involving Nindy's child has not been played in court.
"The Public Prosecutor in preparing the indictment and demand letter only relies on the existence of CCTV recordings in the victim's child's room, which until today have never been shown, played, or presented in court," said Ibnu.
Nindy Ayunda / Credit Foto: KapanLagi - Akrom Sukarya
Ibnu even firmly counterattacked JPU for not presenting the original CCTV recording. So far, the video played is a recording taken from CCTV footage as evidence in the case.
"The action taken by JPU, which did not present, play, or show the contents of the CCTV recording, is a violation of the provisions of applicable laws and regulations," he said.
As is known, Lia is currently a suspect and is in detention. Ibnu also asked the honorable judges to declare his client innocent because it has not been proven that she committed the crimes she was accused of.
"It is very reasonable according to the law for the honorable judges to declare the defendant not guilty of committing the crime as stated in the First Alternative Indictment of JPU and JPU Demand Letter," explained Ibnu.
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In order to achieve peace, 12 plaintiffs agreed to lower the compensation amount that they originally requested to around 780 million.
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