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Often Experiencing Mystical Events, Ruben Onsu's House Once Experienced a Power Outage for 8 Months

Often Experiencing Mystical Events, Ruben Onsu's House Once Experienced a Power Outage for 8 Months Ruben Onsu © Herdianto - Ruben Onsu and his family often experience mystical events. At least throughout 2018, it colored the house of the funny presenter. He reminisces about the times when he was haunted by mystical things, one of which was when the lights went out.

This was revealed by Sarwendah's husband on Atiek Nur Wahyuni's channel on Thursday (30/4) last week. The electricity in his house suddenly went out even though his neighbors did not experience the same thing.

1. Goes Out by Itself

"For several days, every night my lights would go out by themselves. My house would go out by itself, (the houses) on the left and right didn't go out," explained the father of Thalia Putri Onsu.

2. Forgot to Top Up?

The electricity kept going out from evening until dawn. Sarwendah herself once suspected that she forgot to top up the token.

"We even called the electric company. I thought the electricity token had run out. Did I forget to top up? No, there's still plenty," said Sarwendah.

3. Sun Power

Because it happens so often, Ruben compares his house to using solar power.

"Well, this is just our house and strangely enough, it only lights up in the morning. We feel like we're living in a house powered by solar power," said the presenter who is also involved in various businesses.

4. For 8 Months

The incident continued for eight months. "It went on for months. 8 months. I went through that for 8 months from (Sarwendah) not being pregnant until she was pregnant," concluded Ruben.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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