MAKARA Production in collaboration with Bravo Romeo Production presents the latest horror film titled PULUNG GANTUNG PATI NGENDAT, which will be released on February 6, 2025. The film, based on an urban legend, tells the story of Rian (Andrew Barrett) along with his girlfriend, Alana (Nadia Bulan Sofya), and two friends, Ben (Michael Russell) and Elsa (Annisa Aurelia Kaila), who visit his hometown after receiving news of his father's death caused by the curse of Pulung Gantung.
Not only does it showcase the myth of the existence of Pulung Gantung, this film by Chiska Doppert also presents beautiful visuals of the landscapes in Gunungkidul. The story offered is not solely about horror, but also includes elements of adventure, friendship, romance, and family.