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Reasons Why Rachel Vennya Previously Hid Her Second Child's Face Revealed

Reasons Why Rachel Vennya Previously Hid Her Second Child's Face Revealed Rachel Vennya (credit: instagram @rachelvennya) - Rachel Vennya gave birth to her second child in November 2019, she had hidden her child for months and did not publish it at all. This time, Rachel, who became a guest on Gritte Agatha's Youtube account, finally revealed the reasons why she hid her second child.

"So my second child, from the time I was pregnant, when I gave birth to Biru, it was around three months and at three months old, someone made fun of her, imitating Biru, because at that time her eyes were wandering, like cross-eyed," said Rachel.

1. Rachel is Very Angry

At that moment, Rachel felt very angry because of what someone said about her for publishing a photo of her child, causing her to experience baby blues. Not only that, Rachel also felt sad because of posting photos of her child.

"Well, when I saw that, my high school self, I was very angry seeing it, even though some people felt like it was your own fault, who told you to upload it, well, I felt guilty until I got baby blues," said Rachel.

"So, I was very sad until I finally archived the blue photos on my Instagram, then I started to wonder, is it because of me that I'm being criticized, is it fair to criticize a child, since they're still young, until I started to let go slowly, and now why, at the beginning, because I'm avoiding this baby blues," she continued.

2. Mentally Prepared

After hiding her child and not publishing it, Rachel finally posted her photo a while ago because she was mentally ready. Rachel also revealed that she was a first-time mother and hearing unpleasant words would enter her heart.

"Because after giving birth, our mental state, after giving birth and breastfeeding, we become zombies again and all sorts of things, that's what I'm afraid of, if I hear those unpleasant words, they will enter my heart," said Rachel.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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