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Teuku Ryan Learns to Take Care of Baby as a Prepared Husband Before Ria Ricis Gives Birth

Teuku Ryan Learns to Take Care of Baby as a Prepared Husband Before Ria Ricis Gives Birth Teuku Ryan becomes a prepared husband (credit: - Teuku Ryan admits that he has started learning how to take care of a baby. This is done considering his wife, Ria Ricis, is expected to give birth in August 2022.

"I am learning how to carry a baby so that it feels comfortable, how to stroke it, and also learning how to be prepared," said Teuku Ryan when met in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, on Sunday (5/6).

Teuku Ryan realizes that it is not easy for his wife to give birth to their flesh and blood. Therefore, as much as possible, Teuku Ryan wants to lighten the burden of his sister-in-law, Oki Setiana Dewi, after giving birth.

"It is not possible for us to carry the baby after my wife gives birth. She will surely be tired and needs to rest. Insya Allah, the best father can be prepared to change diapers, bathe, and even feed the baby," he said.

1. Plan for Normal Delivery

Moreover, Ria Ricis plans to give birth normally. Therefore, Teuku Ryan prays for his wife's delivery to go smoothly and for both the baby and mother to be healthy.

"The doctor always encourages us that, God willing, it can be normal. But we also pray that it will be a natural birth. However, we hope that it will be normal first," he concluded.

2. Name for Baby

When it comes to the name of their child, Ricis and Ryan have already prepared for it. However, for now they only want to reveal the name of the baby who is likely to be female.

"The name will still start with R because both parents have names starting with R, so their younger sibling will also have a name starting with R. That's how the R family is," said Ria Ricis.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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