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Because of This Photo, Rosa Meldianti is Said to Resemble Aurel Hermansyah

Because of This Photo, Rosa Meldianti is Said to Resemble Aurel Hermansyah Rosa Meldianti - Aurel Hermansyah (credit: Kampua - Herdianto) - The figure of Rosa Meldianti seems to be inseparable from netizens. Dewi Perssik's niece even admitted that she missed being bullied. She believes that bullying is a form of attention from netizens to her.

Meldi once again became the center of attention for netizens. The girl from Jember, East Java, was even mentioned to have a resemblance to Anang Hermansyah's daughter, Aurel Hermansyah.

On Tuesday (24/3), Meldi posted a selfie of herself. As usual, she looked beautiful with her long hair left down.

1. Give Encouragement

Like many public figures who advocate for people to reduce activities outside the home, Meldi also does the same. In the caption of her uploaded photo, she invites everyone to stay spirited even though they have to be at home.

"Good morning, let's stay spirited even though #stayathome for now, may we always be under the protection of Allah SWT," wrote Lebby Wilayati's cousin.

2. Similar to Aurel Hermansyah?

It's not about the caption written, netizens are instead distracted by Meldi's appearance. Many say that in her selfie photo this time, Meldi looks very similar to Aurel Hermansyah.

There are even quite a few who admit that they initially thought the posted photo was the real Aurel. What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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