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11 Years of Dating, Shakira and Gerard Pique Break Up Due to Infidelity

11 Years of Dating, Shakira and Gerard Pique Break Up Due to Infidelity Gerard Pique and Shakira © Splash - Shocking news came from Shakira and Gerard Pique. After 11 years together, the owner of the song Waka-waka decided to break up with the Spanish footballer.

In their official statement, Shakira announced that she and Gerard had indeed separated. "With regret, we announce that we have separated," said Shakira and Gerard in a joint statement quoted from, Sunday (5/6).

"We ask for privacy to protect our children, who are our top priority. Thank you very much for your understanding," continued the statement.

1. Infidelity

The rumor mill suggests that the reason for Shakira's breakup with Gerard was infidelity. It is not mentioned with whom Gerard was involved, but this has been widely scrutinized by the public.

However, both Gerard and Shakira have yet to comment on the infidelity rumors. The public is left wondering what may have been lacking in Shakira that led Gerard to cheat on her.

2. Shakira's Father is Ill

Along with her announcement of her separation from Gerard, Shakira is currently experiencing a tragedy. Her father was hospitalized after a hard fall, causing his face to be severely bruised and other injuries.

Before announcing her separation, Shakira was caught on camera crying near an ambulance. Apparently, the ambulance was taking her father to the hospital.

3. 2 Handsome Children

During their 11-year relationship, Shakira and Gerard had 2 sons. Their children, Milan, is now 9 years old and Sasha is 7 years old.

It is not known how the separation between Gerard and Shakira will continue. Currently, the couple who first met at the South African World Cup event are still requesting privacy for their family.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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