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Gigi Hadid Admits She Wants to Have a Child After Getting Back Together with Zayn Malik

Gigi Hadid Admits She Wants to Have a Child After Getting Back Together with Zayn Malik Zayn Malik - Gigi Hadid @ Splashnews - On-again-off-again seems to have become a common thing in the love journey of Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik. After being separated for quite some time, they were recently reported to have gotten back together. Not just a rumor, the paparazzi camera even managed to capture their togetherness in public.

Enjoying their romantic date on the streets of New York City on January 11th, Gigi Hadid was seen affectionately holding hands with Zayn Malik. Apparently, they were preparing to celebrate Zayn's birthday at an Italian restaurant called il Buco.

Never speaking about their affection at that time, Gigi now admits that she wants to have a child soon. She revealed this directly in an interview with i-D Magazine.

1. Want to Build a Family

"As I grow older, someday I will build a family (get married and have children). And I don't know if I will continue my career in the modeling world," said Gigi Hadid.

Not stopping there, her sister Bella Hadid also added, "I love the creative side of fashion, it's truly fulfilling. I work with people who make me happy, I'm lucky to be around them. But who knows? Maybe later I will continue cooking all the time!"

2. Becoming a Cover Model

Not only answering various questions, it turns out Gigi Hadid was chosen to be the face of i-D Magazine's latest edition. Showing her supermodel aura, Gigi also showed off an effortless pose in front of the photographer, Jamie Hawkesworth.

In this photo, Gigi appeared wearing a light blue satin dress. Uniquely, this handmade dress was made solely relying on clear tape attached to form the dress model.

3. Showing Off Skinny Back

Switching to another wardrobe, you can also see Gigi's skinny back that even makes her spine so prominent.

4. Unique & Still Beautiful

Different from usual, in this photoshoot Gigi is considered quite unique from the concept to the clothes she wears. But she still looks beautiful, right? ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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