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20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

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20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Joko Anwar officially released the line-up of the best Indonesian actors who are united in his 10th film titled SIKSA KUBUR. The filming of this movie, which will take place in 2023, will be released in 2024, KLovers. Curious? Let's take a look at the cast of SIKSA KUBUR film!

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

The film SIKSA KUBUR, which will be released in 2024, originated from the short film GRAVE TORTURE (2012) directed by Joko Anwar as well. On (13/9), Joko Anwar officially released a series of the best Indonesian actors for the film SIKSA KUBUR.

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Faradina Mufti will play a role in Joko Anwar's film SIKSA KUBUR. Here is her portrait, which looks so elegant and sweet.


Renowned actor Reza Rahadian will contribute to play a role in the film SIKSA KUBUR. Approximately, will you be distracted by his handsomeness while watching later?

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

The next cast of the film SIKSA KUBUR includes Fachri Albar. He has a very handsome charm with his Arab mixed face.


Not to be missed, Happy Salma will be present as a cast member in the film SIKSA KUBUR. Wow, surely can't wait, right?


Widuri Puteri is a young female actor who also participated in SIKSA KUBUR. She looks so beautiful and sweet.

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Muzzaki Ramdhan looks cool with his style. What kind of role will he play in the film SIKSA KUBUR, I wonder?

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Senior actor Slamet Rahardjo Djarot will also contribute to this film SIKSA KUBUR directed by Joko Anwar. His role in the film industry is unquestionable!


Christine Hakim will also play a role in this 10th film by Joko Anwar. You must already be familiar with her presence on the big screen, right?

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Not to be missed, Arswendy Bening Swara will also be present as one of the actors in this SIKSA KUBUR film. He looks very handsome in the photo despite being 65 years old.


Niniek L Kariem is another senior actor who will also play a role in this 10th film by Joko Anwar. Her acting on the screen always looks cool!

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Here's a portrait of the cast of the film SIKSA KUBUR. Putri Ayudya is incredibly beautiful!

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Who is not familiar with this senior actress' face? Jajang C Noer is also one of the senior artists who will be starring in the upcoming film SIKSA KUBUR 2024.


Next, there is Djenar Maesa Ayu who will also act alongside other actors in SIKSA KUBUR.


Haydar Salishz will also be a cast in the movie SIKSA KUBUR. Can't wait to see his acting in this horror film directed by Joko Anwar!


Next, there's Runny Rudiyanti who will be a cast in the movie SIKSA KUBUR. Her portrait looks so beautiful and sweet, right!

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Afrian Arisandy also contributes to the making of this film. Who's excited to see his cool acting?


Not to be missed, Ramadhan Al Rasyid will also be one of the cast members. I wonder if he'll be the antagonist or protagonist?

20 Portraits of the Cast of SIKSA KUBUR Film Directed by Joko Anwar, Gathering All-Star Actors of the Nation

Tony Merle, who is a musician, will also show his acting talent in this horror film SIKSA KUBUR. Wow, can't wait!


Next, there is Mian Tiara who also contributes as a cast member in the film SIKSA KUBUR. His mysterious style is perfect for this horror film directed by Joko Anwar.


Henry Manampiring is a best-selling novelist of FILOSOFI TERAS who will also showcase his acting talent in the film SIKSA KUBUR. Wow, this is definitely cool!


Those are the cast members of the film SIKSA KUBUR released by Joko Anwar. This film will be released in 2024, so don't miss it!