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Commemorating Heroes' Day, Let's Nostalgia for a Moment with 7 Portraits of Indonesian Heroes Who Have Led and Defended Our Independence!

Commemorating Heroes' Day, Let's Nostalgia for a Moment with 7 Portraits of Indonesian Heroes Who Have Led and Defended Our Independence!

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Commemorating Heroes' Day, Let's Nostalgia for a Moment with 7 Portraits of Indonesian Heroes Who Have Led and Defended Our Independence!

In leading and defending the independence of the Indonesian nation, it was certainly not an easy endeavor. Many of our predecessors were willing to sacrifice their wealth and lives so that the Indonesian nation could achieve its independence. 

Although Indonesia gained independence on August 17, 1945, the Indonesian nation still faced challenges with the arrival of Dutch forces disguised as allies. The arrival of the Dutch was certainly not without motives. They wanted to regain power in our beloved homeland.

However, despite being independent, the spirit of the Indonesian nation's struggle did not waver and instead grew stronger. The peak of Indonesia's struggle was on November 10, 1945, which we now commemorate as Heroes' Day. So, in relation to this heroic atmosphere, let's take a look at 7 portraits of Indonesian national heroes!

Written By: Moch Ekky Syahruhdin


A portrait that holds a meaning for this country. When Bung Karno, Pak Soerhato, and General Achmad Yani together.


A joke made by Bung Karno when he was visiting Greece.


General Sudirman, who is an Indonesian hero in defending independence.


Here is a portrait of Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, who was the first Governor of BI.


He is General Besar Purn A. H. Nasution, known as the founder of guerrilla warfare in fighting against the Dutch.


Portrait of KH Agus Salim and Bung Hatta along with their colleagues when visiting the Netherlands in 1929.


He is Nani Wartabone, an Indonesian hero from Gorontalo. In a speech he delivered on January 23, 1942, he said, "We, the Indonesian people in Gorontalo, are already free, independent, and liberated from any colonization."


He was born in Bukittinggi with the name Muhammad Atthar. Bung Hatta is one of the crucial figures in the independence of the Indonesian nation.