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Deddy Corbuzier Dives into Being a Horror Producer, Turns Out it's Because the Film Shows Humans Fighting Against Demons

Deddy Corbuzier Dives into Being a Horror Producer, Turns Out it's Because the Film Shows Humans Fighting Against Demons Deddy Corbuzier Dives into Being a Horror Producer © - Deddy Corbuzier was invited by production house Base Entertainment to become a producer in the horror film MALAM PENCABUT NYAWA. After reading the synopsis, he immediately agreed because the offered concept was different.

According to Deddy, Indonesian horror films often portray humans losing to demons. However, in MALAM PENCABUT NYAWA, it is told that there is fierce resistance.

"I like watching horror films, but in Indonesia, there hasn't been a story where humans fight against the demons. So when there's a story where humans literally fight against them, it's quite different," said Deddy when met at Epicentrum XXI, Rasuna Said area, South Jakarta, on Monday (13/5/2024).

1. Creating Dream Set

Deddy Corbuzier said that the production process of this film took time in building the dream set location. He and his team didn't want it to fail because the dream set is important in MALAM PENCABUT NYAWA.

"Creating the dream set took time. It has to look real even though it's a dream, and if it looks bad, the whole film will be bad. That's why the dream set has to be good. That's what makes the production long, a combination of set and CGI," said Deddy.

2. The Fun of Being a Producer

Serving as a film producer is an exciting experience for Deddy Corbuzier. It's not just about money, but also being able to give suggestions even if they may not be approved.

"When we invest, we look at the production in detail. We can give useful input for the film. That's it. We give a lot of presentation input, but only a few are accepted ha ha ha," said Sabrina Chairunnisa's husband while laughing.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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