Kapanlagi.com - Film SELESAI directed by Dr. Tompi is still being talked about. Some people like the storyline, but there are also those who criticize the film SELESAI because they feel that it portrays women in a negative way. Addressing the issue of infidelity, Dr. Tompi has been bombarded by netizens who don't like his work. But among the many who criticize the film SELESAI, of course, there are some who support and enjoy the film.
The cast of this film also includes Ariel Tatum who plays Ayu, Gading Marten who plays Broto, and Anya Geraldine who plays the character Anya. The film revolves around Broto's affair with Ayu, his wife, with the same woman for 3 years. Ayu can't stand it anymore and wants a divorce, but there is something difficult to leave behind, Ayu loves her in-laws so much.
There are many interesting things that can be analyzed from the film SELESAI, it is said that there will be a plot twist, KLovers. For those who have watched it, shh, don't spoil too much, and for KLovers who haven't watched it yet and only heard negative reviews from people around, let's listen to interesting information about the film SELESAI to strengthen our hearts before watching it.
1. Film SELESAI Cast

Gading Marten, Anya Geraldine, & Ariel Tatum (Credit: Instagram.com/ gadiiing)
Ariel Tatum, Gading Marten, and Anya Geraldine are the three characters that are highlighted in the film SELESAI, their exceptional character development successfully captivates the audience's emotions. In several crucial scenes, not only the emotions of each actor are tested, but also the emotions of the viewers fluctuate. Ayu, the wife who becomes the hurt woman because of her cheating husband, and the romantic scenes of Gading and Anya apparently caught the attention of netizens. According to Dr. Tompi, he understands the characters that he wants to portray in his work. Have you wanted to watch it, KLovers?
2. Interesting Plot

Gading Marten & Ariel Tatum (Credit: Instagram.com/gadiiing)
The plot of the film SELESAI that was criticized by many people apparently does not make Dr. Tompi feel guilty or cornered. According to Dr. Tompi, he doesn't mind if his film is criticized as long as it is based on facts. Actually, the film SELESAI is very relatable to daily life, its story is actually simple, and the plot can also happen in reality, so many netizens feel that this film normalizes infidelity and corners women. What I really like is the plot twist, maybe some are still confused about what actually happened in the film SELESAI or who should be blamed, Ayu or Broto, or maybe Anya. But in the end, we will all know the story behind the cracks in their marriage. KLovers who haven't watched it, don't speculate, just watch it first.
3. Can Learn Many Things

Gading Marten (Credit: Instagram.com/ gadiiing)
By watching the movie SELESAI, indirectly we can learn several things in the movie, one of which is to learn to be more critical in analyzing a show, especially in the movie SELESAI where the plot twist that happens will surely raise many questions in our minds as viewers. Quoted from wowkeren.com, Tompi hopes that the audience will see scene by scene and reflect on where they stand. Do we agree with it? If not, what needs to be changed in real life.
We can also see the very artistic cinematography of the movie SELESAI, even though some netizens say that the atmosphere of the movie is very horror, the scenes that are mostly done indoors are also interesting. So, KLovers, even though many say that the movie is not recommended, it would be better if you watch it first.
4. Be More Careful in Choosing a Partner

Gading Marten, Anya Geraldine, & Ariel Tatum (Credit: Instagram.com/ gadiiing)
The last reason from me, why you really have to watch the movie SELESAI, important or not, especially for girls. For those who will watch the movie SELESAI, I'm sure you will avoid men like Broto, if he cheats, just leave him, the world will not stop spinning if I'm not with you, haha.
Interesting fact from the movie SELESAI, many say that the male characters in the movie are misogynistic, which as a woman, you must be aware of things like this, if there are men like that, it doesn't mean it's normal. Anyway, how about you, KLovers? I'm sure you will definitely watch the movie SELESAI after this, make sure to watch it on a legal platform.
This article was written by Dian Eka R.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.