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5 Best Studio Ghibli Anime Movies That You Must Watch

5 Best Studio Ghibli Anime Movies That You Must Watch Studio Ghibli (credit: - Watching movies is definitely one of the enjoyable activities, especially during a pandemic like now. Not only does it alleviate boredom, but we can also learn many life lessons or even warm our hearts with heartwarming and touching stories through films.

Studio Ghibli is one of the film studios based in Japan and has produced many famous anime with high popularity. Want to get to know Studio Ghibli? You must watch these 5 Studio Ghibli anime movies while relaxing at home!





1. Spirited Away (2001)

Anime with Isekai or fantasy themes has become one of Japan's most successful Box Office anime since its first release in 2001. The fantasy story, reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, combined with a touch of Japanese mythology, is so unique and captivating to viewers, especially loyal fans of Studio Ghibli.

The story begins with the depiction of a little girl named Chihiro, along with her parents, on their way to their new home. Unfortunately, they are trapped in an ancient amusement park that is a spirit world.

Chihiro's parents are cursed and turned into pigs, and here Chihiro must find a way to free them and take them away from that strange place. Will Chihiro succeed in leaving the spirit world and returning to the real world? It is rumored that Spirited Away will be adapted into a theater production in February 2022, so let's stream it now!



2. Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

You may not be unfamiliar with the sweet little child in the picture above, but did you know that he is one of the characters from the anime Grave of the Fireflies or Hotaru no Haka. Set during World War II, this film successfully captivates the audience with the touching life struggle of siblings, Seita and Setsuko.

One of Studio Ghibli's best animated films still remains at the top rankings for war films to this day. Directed by Isao Takahata, this film is said to be one of the saddest war films ever made, what do you think?



3. Princess Mononoke (1997)

This action genre anime is the work of Hayao Miyazaki, who is also the director of Spirited Away (2001). This film tells the journey of a prince named Ashitaka who seeks a cure for the curse he experiences after fighting a forest boar god that wants to attack his village.

This anime is the first Japanese animated film to win the Best Picture award at the Japan Academy Prize. It also addresses environmental issues and teaches its viewers to care about diseases. Have you watched Princess Mononoke yet?



4. Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

This film is an anime that tells the adventure of Sophie, a hat maker girl who meets a handsome wizard named Howl. Sophie is cursed by an old wizard because she accidentally drives him out of the shop where Sophie works, causing her to transform into an old lady.

This anime feels warm because we can see many beautiful scenes in it, interesting interactions between Sophie and Howl's assistants inside the Moving Castle, and even warm romantic scenes between Sophie and Howl. This anime is also one of the most popular Studio Ghibli films!



5. My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

Moving to a new house might not be an easy thing, adapting to a new environment and forming new habits is a challenge on its own. Similar to what is told in My Neighbor Totoro, Mei and Satsuki's family moved to an old house in the countryside. The reason for their move is because their mother is sick and the new house is closer to the hospital.

The story becomes interesting when Mei and Satsuki befriend creatures that look like a giant gray rabbit named Totoro with his other small friends. Interestingly, only Mei and Satsuki can see Totoro and his friends. What interesting things did they do together in their new environment? Find out the story by streaming the anime on your favorite streaming platform!



This news is written by: Elisabeth Marie Nadya Depa





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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