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Release of Album Titled 'Zero Hour', Voxxes Presents an Interesting Concept

Release of Album Titled 'Zero Hour', Voxxes Presents an Interesting Concept Voxxes Presents an Interesting Concept (Credit: Special) - Indonesian music group, Voxxes, is back with their latest work, a debut album titled 'Zero Hour' in the middle of 2023. The band consists of main members Qashmal Zhafari/Zhafari (Vocals), Faishal Tanjung/Tanjung (Keyboard), Muhammad Abbyan Nur Faizy/Abbyan (Guitar), Rayhan Rizki/RR (Producer), and Resky Pratama/Eky (Drums), starting off 2023 by releasing their latest single as a bridge to Voxxes' debut album, titled 'Zero Hour'.

It has now been released and presented as their first introductory album. Previously, Voxxes has released a mini album titled 'What the Night Will Be' and several lead singles towards their debut album, such as 'Fences', 'Paris', 'Without You', and 'Spend the Night', which have also received positive responses from their listeners.

The 'Zero Hour' album consists of 10 songs with various titles, including 'Sunshine Peach Tea', 'Fences', 'Without You', 'Paris', 'Moonlight', 'Zero Hour', 'Lemonade', 'Forever Now', 'Spend the Night', and 'Half Empty'. Almost all of the songs on the 'Zero Hour' album were written by Zhafari and produced by RR, with 'Lemonade' being the highlight song on Voxxes' debut album.

In this introductory album, the 'Zero Hour' album has a unique concept from various aspects. The 'Zero Hour' album itself is divided into two parts, offering two different atmospheres, which can be likened to day and night. The two parts consist of the first five songs and the last five songs on the album.

1. Cycle of Love

This concept is intended to give listeners an idea of how the cycle of love and a relationship sometimes do not always go smoothly and according to plan. Voxxes presents an atmosphere of joy and various sensations of pleasure in the first five songs, while the last five songs are wrapped in emotional and melancholic nuances.

"This album discusses the cycle of love. Like a relationship that goes through phases of falling in love, having fun. There is the phase of heartbreak, sadness, and also anger. All the phases that happen in a relationship." Zhafari explained.

By carrying a big theme about the cycle of love and relationships that generally have layers of phases with different nuances, this 'Zero Hour' album wants to tell the story of each phase in a relationship through each song.

Not only interesting in terms of concept, in their debut album, Voxxes also tries to expand the range of music offered by using electronic sounds ranging from synthesizers, drums, to keys to present a strong 80s pop music nuance.

2. Long Distance

“Aside from the lyrics that got stuck, one of the biggest obstacles is the long-distance music production, because we all happen to live far apart. It's not just the distance, but also the challenge of finding a time to meet that is really difficult,” explained RR.

Although it took a relatively long time, this album is the result of an independent production process, making 'Zero Hour' not only Voxxes' debut album, but also a learning experience for the members of Voxxes, especially in the creation and writing of songs.

“In terms of production, this album 'Zero Hour' can also be said to have its own biggest challenge, where this is also the first time I've done mixing for this type of song myself, which is also a new challenge for me personally," added RR.

3. Showcase Title

Voxxes presents the album 'Zero Hour' with music that is easy to listen to but has its own strength and appeal through the writing style of lyrics and the presentation of music colors in each song. This will also make the listeners immersed in the story of love and a relationship through each song in it.

The album 'Zero Hour' by Voxxes has been officially released and can be enjoyed on all digital streaming platforms.

Along with the release of the album 'Zero Hour', the album release will also be followed by the release of a lyric video on Voxxes' official YouTube channel. Not only the album release, in order to introduce themselves, Voxxes also plans to hold a showcase for their debut album in August 2023. Therefore, now is the right time to get to know Voxxes better through the album 'Zero Hour'. Enjoy watching the debut album by Voxxes!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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