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Success Writing Songs for Girls Generation to Twice, Laurell Releases Solo Single 'Habit'

Success Writing Songs for Girls Generation to Twice, Laurell Releases Solo Single 'Habit' Laurell (credit: Personal Documentation) - Laurell, a Canadian singer, has over 200 million listeners on digital platforms worldwide. She has written some of the most popular hits and also collaborated with several big DJ names in recent years.

She has worked with big names like Ummet Ozcan ("Change My Heart"), Tritonal ("Good Thing"), Quintino ("Good Vibes"), Tyron Hapi ("About You"), Nico Santos ("Low On Love"), and songs that topped the charts like ("Lil 'Touch", "Nonstop", and "Bring It Back"). She has also made songs for girl groups "Girls Generation", "OH MY GIRL", and "TWICE".

1. Achieving Multiple Positions on the Billboard US Chart

With a series of her works, Laurell achieved multiple positions on the Billboard US Chart as well as several number 1 positions on the chart and received various awards, not only in Europe but worldwide.

Laurell currently resides in Sweden, and in recent years, she has gained an extraordinary reputation, especially for her expressive, emotional, and modern songwriting style with great hit potential. Laurell has also received prestigious music awards such as JUNO, Canadian GRAMMY (in the category of "Dance Recording of the Year"), and won the Billboard World Song Contest.

2. Try to Reach a Larger Market

After succeeding in her home country of Canada, she is trying to reach a larger market by releasing her latest song, "Habit". This song has a very catchy melody, making it easy to listen to and understand by many people. Laurell's exceptional songwriting skills, specifically in accentuating the lyrics, make this song truly special.

Her distinctive and powerful voice is influenced by R&B and reminiscent of artists like Jessie Reyez, Anne Marie, Sia, or Bebe Rexha. With a tone that gives an energetic impression, "Habit" was released in early April, marking the debut of this captivating singer/songwriter. It also serves as a teaser for her upcoming solo album to be released in the future.

3. Laurell's Secret to Success

Laurell's secret to success comes from her openness and curiosity, regardless of her various experiences. She sees a lot of potential and opportunities to develop her own skills through every collaboration and cooperation, aiming for higher quality music and Laurell's vision in music.


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