Kapanlagi.com - Kencur is one of the popular spices in Indonesia. Kencur is often made into a drink called jamu, and it has become quite popular. With its numerous contents, kencur has many benefits, KLovers.
Not only can it provide healthy nutrients for the body, but kencur can also overcome serious health problems. What are the benefits of kencur for health when it becomes a herbal drink? According to various sources, let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Helping Overcome Cholesterol

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The first benefit of kencur is that it can help overcome excessive cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol does support the body's metabolic processes. Because normal levels of good cholesterol are useful for cell protection, it is more ideal to maintain cell integrity than other types of fats in the body. However, excessive cholesterol is also very bad for health, as it can become bad cholesterol.
But don't worry, KLovers, by regularly consuming kencur rice, it can facilitate the flow of bile, thus helping the absorption of food entering the body. And this smooth flow helps eliminate bad cholesterol. In addition, kencur also has fatty acid synthase with the help of its flavonoid content, such as kaempferol, quercetin, and galanin, so that bad cholesterol can be expelled from the body.
2. Increasing Appetite
It is not unfamiliar that kencur can increase someone's appetite. Usually, kencur is made into a popular traditional drink called beras kencur. This drink not only stimulates the appetite in adults but also works well in increasing the appetite in children.
This is because the combination of rice and kencur contains vitamin B that can stimulate the stomach to create hunger. By consuming beras kencur, the body will experience weight gain and increased appetite more easily. It is recommended to consume beras kencur regularly to maintain a stable weight and a strong body with a regular eating pattern.
3. Treating Indigestion and Flu

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Fatigue and seasonal changes often cause various illnesses such as indigestion and flu. Consuming kencur can be an alternative to release air from the body. You can make beras kencur or warm kencur decoction that can help release air from the body.
This is because the warm effect of kencur can relieve nausea caused by flu. Additionally, kencur drink can also neutralize cough and muscle pain, thus beneficial in treating headaches caused by flu.
4. Heal Canker Sores and Sore Throats
Canker sores and sore throats are indeed very disturbing for many people. Besides being difficult to speak, canker sores and sore throats will also make it difficult for someone to consume something. So, before it gets worse, you can use the benefits of kencur to overcome canker sores and sore throats.
The warm sensation and its antibacterial properties can relieve canker sores. Kencur plants contain essential oils such as borneol, camphor, cineol, and ethyl alcohol. So, kencur can be used as an expectorant or throat cleanser, removing mucus that blocks the nose, as well as to warm the body.
5. Skin Beauty

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In fact, consuming kencur drink can make the skin look healthy, KLovers. Not only rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances, kencur rice also contains vitamins B1, C, and E. The presence of these vitamins helps brighten dull skin.
Even the content of ferulic acid and allantoin, as well as antioxidants in kencur, can prevent premature aging. So, harmful substances in the body that make the skin quickly dull can be overcome and premature aging does not occur.
6. Treating Kidney Stones
If you have kidney stones, regularly consuming ginger and rice or ginger decoction will help cure kidney stones, KLovers. This is because ginger can dissolve deposits of substances in the urinary tract, also known as kidney stones.
Ginger can also kill amoebic keratitis, bacteria that cause eye cornea infections, as well as treat parasitic worms that cause toxocariasis. In fact, the compounds in ginger extract are effective in treating kidney stones.
7. Reduce Abdominal Pain

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Another benefit of ginger is its ability to reduce abdominal pain. When experiencing unbearable abdominal pain, consuming ginger decoction can be the main solution, KLovers. This way, you can make your stomach feel comfortable with warm ginger decoction.
In addition, ginger decoction can also be used to treat diarrhea. This is because ginger contains fiber that helps with digestive problems. In a study published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, it was revealed that ginger extract contains a significant amount of cytotoxic and antibacterial substances. And these two substances are believed to be effective in relieving diarrhea.
8. Controlling Blood Sugar
Not only can it overcome bad cholesterol levels, it turns out that kencur (a type of ginger) can also control blood sugar, KLovers. For those of you with diabetes, consuming kencur is very beneficial in lowering blood sugar levels.
Kencur jamu is said to be able to lower blood glucose levels and keep them normal. However, this still needs evidence from larger-scale research, so those of you with serious diabetes should consult with a doctor first.
9. Refreshing the Body

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
In fact, consuming kencur every day can eliminate fatigue and pain, KLovers. The fresh and warm taste of kencur can refresh a tired body. In addition, the fresh taste in kencur is similar to hot ginger drinks that can also warm the body.
Kencur also contains analgesics that can relieve pain and other illnesses. In addition, kencur also contains methanol extract which can be used to boost the immune system of babies and children. So, you can directly consume kencur when you feel tired and uncomfortable in your body.
10. Reducing Stress
And the last benefit of kencur is that it can reduce stress. Stress and even depression can be experienced by anyone. And this needs to be addressed immediately, KLovers, because stress and depression can worsen the condition of the body. Such as experiencing irregular hormone conditions, to other dangerous diseases.
And to reduce and eliminate stress, you can use the benefits of kencur. From research results, it is known that kencur plant extracts, both from rhizomes (roots) and leaves, have anti-depressant properties that can provide sedative or calming effects. That's why many people use kencur as a remedy to reduce the effects of stress, anxiety, restlessness, and depression.
Those are the 10 benefits of kencur for health when made into herbal drinks. Being a herbal plant with many contents, it's no wonder that kencur can be made into a remedy to overcome various health problems in the body.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.