Kapanlagi.com - Having darkened groin indeed makes some people lose confidence. This problem often haunts most people where the folded area like the groin tends to be darker compared to other skin areas. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to naturally whiten the groin. Before knowing how to whiten the groin, it is good for you to know the causes of darkened groin.
Yes, most of the factors causing darkened groin are due to friction from tight pants, dry skin, hormonal imbalance, and overweight. It could also be due to accumulated dead skin cells that are never cleaned or not thoroughly cleaned when cleaning. However, you don't need to worry. Because, there are a series of ways to whiten the darkened groin using natural ingredients that are very safe to use.
Curious about what they are? Check out the complete review below.
1. Potato

(credit: freepik)
Potatoes are one of the filling foods that can be used to whiten the groin. The natural antibiotic content in potatoes can help skin regeneration and is often used to lighten the groin. Here's how, you can boil some potatoes. After that, mash them finely and add 2 tablespoons of milk. Then, mix evenly until it forms a paste. Once done, you can directly apply it to the groin.
2. Sugar Scrub
Besides being used as a sweetener, it turns out that sugar can also be used to take care of skin beauty, one of which is to whiten dark groins. You can get the benefits by using sugar as a scrub. Here's how, you can make lemon juice first. After that, add 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Then, gently rub it on the groin.
3. Bengkoang

(credit: freepik)
The next natural way to lighten dark groin is by using bengkoang fruit. This fruit is often used as a skin treatment that plays a role in whitening, including in areas such as dark groin folds. The way to use it is very easy, namely by mashing the bengkoang fruit and using its water and essence as a mask on the groin area. Use it regularly to obtain maximum results.
4. Tomato
Tomato is one of the ways to lighten the groin that you can try. This is because tomatoes contain lycopene which can make the skin appear whiter. The way to use it is very easy, namely by mashing the tomato and applying it to the groin area. However, be careful not to enter the vaginal area. After that, leave it on for a while and rinse with clean water.
5. Turmeric

(credit: freepik)
Turmeric is a highly effective spice for helping to eliminate dark color in the groin area. Turmeric contains curcumin which can neutralize free radicals. Turmeric is one of the natural ways to whiten the groin area that is considered powerful. You only need a cup of milk and turmeric powder. Mix it until it forms a paste and apply it to the groin area. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
6. Egg White
Egg white is no stranger to beauty treatments as it functions as a brightening agent. In addition, its high protein content will help regenerate the skin by getting rid of dead skin cells and replacing them with new ones. To use it, you can separate the egg white and yolk first. Then, beat the egg white until foamy. You can also add honey and lime to mask the fishy smell. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
7. Lemon

(credit: freepik)
Lemon is a fruit rich in vitamin C. In addition, lemon also contains alpha hydroxy acid which can counteract free radicals in the skin. By applying lemon juice to your skin, your skin will become fresh and glowing because lemon is a natural bleaching agent. Don't forget to avoid sensitive areas.
8. White Radish
White radish is often used as a food ingredient. Not only that, but white radish also has the function of whitening the groin area. This is because the content such as vitamin C, vitamin B complex, phosphorus, and zinc in white radish are needed to maintain the health of your skin. The high water content in white radish will also make the skin more moisturized and healthy.
9. Yogurt

(credit: freepik)
Furthermore, how to whiten the groin can be done using yogurt. This dairy product contains calcium and zinc which are very good for skin care. It is known that calcium plays an important role in preventing dry skin. Meanwhile, zinc helps to overcome skin problems. In addition, complex B vitamins can nourish and brighten the skin.
10. Rice Water
It is no longer a secret that rice water has been used for skin health care since ancient times. Yes, apparently rice water also has benefits for whitening the groin. So from now on, it is advisable not to throw away rice water after washing rice. Because rice contains ferullic acid and allantoin which can protect and whiten the skin. To use it, let the rice water settle first. After that, use the settled rice water as a natural scrub.
11. Cake Soda

(credit: freepik)
The ingredient often used to make this cake is one of the ingredients that can whiten the groin. In fact, baking soda can also help remove layers of dead skin cells. The way to whiten the groin using baking soda can be done by preparing 1/2 tsp of baking soda. After that, add a little water. You can slowly apply it to the groin for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
Those are a series of natural and fast ways to whiten the groin. Do it regularly to make your skin look bright again. Good luck and hopefully useful.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.