Kapanlagi.com - Olive oil is indeed one of the oils that has many beneficial contents for health. The benefits of olive oil are not only felt by the body's health from the inside, but olive oil also has extraordinary benefits for health and beauty on the outside of the body.
For a long time, olive oil has been trusted to provide health and beauty to women's bodies. It's no wonder that this oil is so popular in the beauty and culinary world. Having a distinctive aroma makes olive oil often consumed directly as an addition to salads or other foods.
So, what are the benefits of olive oil for women's beauty and health? According to various sources, let's find out KLovers.
1. Removing Stretch Marks

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first benefit of olive oil is that it can remove stretch marks on the body. Stretch marks are indeed one of the main problems that make women feel uncomfortable. Usually, stretch marks occur due to less elastic skin, and will appear during pregnancy, being overweight, or not drinking enough water.
And to remove this, it's not too difficult, KLovers. You just need to deal with this by using olive oil. First, heat the olive oil for 2 to 3 minutes on a tablespoon.
Then apply it to the stretch marks and massage in a circular motion. The effect is that blood circulation in that area will be smoother, and if done regularly, the stretch marks will gradually fade until they disappear without a trace.
2. Overcoming Depression
Apparently, olive oil can be one of the oils that can overcome depression, KLovers. This is because some of the contents of olive oil can protect and provide a calming effect on the nervous system. That's why olive oil is sometimes chosen as a massage oil in spas.
To get its benefits, you can consume olive oil for breakfast in the morning, or before engaging in outdoor activities. You can use olive oil as a scrub before showering, or consume it with salads or toast.
3. Maintaining Skin Health

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The next benefit of olive oil is that it can maintain the health of your skin. Yup! It's not unfamiliar that olive oil has been used to maintain skin health for a long time. The high polyphenol content in olive oil helps to give a brighter color to the skin and make it look brighter.
In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil are also useful for treating skin inflammation. And vitamin A and vitamin E also have powerful anti-aging compounds that can effectively care for the skin and restore its moisture.
4. Treating Acne
Acne is indeed one of the problems that often disrupts appearance. That's why many women are disturbed and feel depressed by the presence of inflamed acne on their faces. When it's like this, acne becomes more and more and difficult to eliminate. Improper treatment will cause acne to darken and make the face less pleasant to look at.
But don't worry, KLovers, because olive oil is actually capable of preventing, eliminating, and even disguising acne scars. This is because olive oil contains antibacterial compounds that can heal acne caused by bacterial infection.
In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil are useful for healing acne and its scars. The non-comedogenic properties of olive oil can also clog the pores of the skin. Not to mention, the antioxidant content in the form of polyphenols can eliminate toxins in the body and prevent various types of infections, including acne.
5. Restoring Lip Color

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Another amazing thing is that you can use olive oil to lighten your lips. No need to use chemical ingredients that only darken your lips even more, you can use this natural ingredient to achieve that.
This is because olive oil contains vitamin K which can gradually fade dark color on the lips. The way to do it is to use olive oil as a moisturizer at night before bed, and leave the olive oil overnight. Do it regularly to get maximum results.
6. Dealing with Excessive Blackheads
Blackheads usually accumulate because the pores on the skin are too wide open. That's why these pores need to be tightened so that the number of blackheads on the face is not excessive. Especially if the blackheads turn black, it will make the face look very dirty.
Just like treating acne, you can also treat blackheads with olive oil. This essential oil has an extraordinary function to tighten the skin pores by absorbing dirt.
The way to do it is also quite easy, you just need to heat the olive oil, then apply it to the face gently. After that, dry your face with a clean towel. Do it every night and see the effects yourself, KLovers!
7. Good for Fetal Growth

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Not only for beauty, it turns out that olive oil is also very good for pregnant women, KLovers. Pregnant women must know what foods can be consumed and are good for the body's health. And one of these healthy foods is olive oil.
Olive oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the growth of the fetus in your body. Various studies have proven the greatness of omega-3 fatty acids for pregnant women and fetal growth in the womb.
Many have found good things ranging from supporting the development of the baby's brain and eyes, to maintaining the baby's weight and height at birth. So for those of you who are pregnant, it is advisable to consume this oil, KLovers.
8. Improving Fetal Psychomotor Function
Besides being good for fetal growth, olive oil can also improve psychomotor function in fetuses, KLovers. Experts have observed the benefits of olive oil for pregnant women in terms of psychomotor development, or the baby's reflexes to anything around them.
This is proven by pregnant women who consume olive oil during their pregnancy and give birth to babies with better psychomotor reflexes. In addition, the vitamin E content in olive oil can also help premature babies function normally in their kidneys and pancreas.
9. Thickening Eyebrows and Eyelashes

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Olive oil contains nutrients such as vitamin A and E that are good for hair health and can stimulate hair growth, and this can be used as a natural way to thicken eyebrows and eyelashes. But remember, you must ensure that the olive oil you use is truly natural and has not undergone any chemical processes. The application is quite easy, simply apply olive oil to your eyebrows and eyelashes before bed, and do it regularly to achieve maximum results.
10. Providing Hair Health
And the last benefit of olive oil is that it can provide health to the hair. Yup! Hair loss or dandruff is indeed a hair problem that makes everyone feel restless. Especially if the hair we have is dry and damaged, it will certainly worsen the damage to the hair.
But KLovers don't need to worry, because it turns out that olive oil can eliminate hair problems and make hair healthier. There are various nutrients in olive oil that are believed to help you overcome hair loss and dandruff problems.
And these nutrients include niacin, biotin, vitamin E, and vitamin D. All of these contents are believed to be able to overcome various problems in your hair. Not only that, the content of vitamin K, vitamin A, and antioxidants can also protect hair keratin and maintain its moisture. So that the hair looks healthier, black, and thick.
Those are 10 benefits of olive oil that are good for women's health and beauty. Not only can it be a healthy food, it turns out that olive oil can also be a remedy for various problems in your body. Happy trying.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.