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Can Make You Drunk, These Are 8 Types of Foods to Avoid During Traveling

Can Make You Drunk, These Are 8 Types of Foods to Avoid During Traveling Illustration (credit: freepik) - When traveling to decide to travel or go home, of course, it is very enjoyable. However, there are also things that can ruin the comfort during the journey, namely if the feeling of nausea continues to haunt during the journey. Because, travel sickness certainly makes you less enjoy the journey. One of the causes of travel sickness can be due to consuming the wrong food. Therefore, choosing the right food is an important thing to do so that digestive problems are not disturbed during the journey.

Consuming food before traveling is very necessary to be a source of nutrition and energy. However, you still have to be careful because there are a number of foods that should be avoided during travel because they can cause sickness. Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to the types of food prepared and instead bring food that should be avoided during travel.

Therefore, you must know the following types of food that can cause sickness during travel. Let's directly see the following review.



1. Cheese and Frozen Meat

When traveling, many people choose convenient foods that are widely sold in minimarkets. Consuming sandwiches or fast food frozen meals becomes one of the options. However, these foods can cause side effects after consumption. These foods use frozen ingredients that are not fresh and become a home for bacteria and microorganisms, making you feel nauseous during the journey.

2. Fried Food

Fried food is fatty and oily food that should be avoided when traveling. This is because fried food can cause a burning sensation in the stomach. As a result, consuming it will make your stomach feel uncomfortable. In addition, fried food has a high sodium content. Excess sodium can make you thirsty and constantly drink. Of course, this can disrupt the journey because you have to go to the toilet frequently.

3. Sweet Food

During a journey, usually people will bring a lot of sweet snacks to enjoy. These products that contain a lot of sugar are what fulfill most of the calorie intake, but also reduce energy. As a result, the body will feel weak during the journey. To avoid this, you can replace sweet snacks with fruits.

4. Carbonated Drinks and Alcohol

Carbonated drinks and alcohol should be avoided when traveling. This is because the gas from these carbonated drinks will make your stomach bloated and increase stomach acid. Especially if you have a stomach ulcer, it will worsen your condition.

5. Heavy Food

You might think that consuming heavy food before traveling will make your stomach feel satisfied. However, this is completely untrue and it is better to avoid having a heavy breakfast. Excessive carbohydrate intake can cause drowsiness, especially for those who are driving.

Rice with excessive blood sugar levels will produce more insulin. Insulin produces hormones serotonin and melatonin that make the body feel drowsy.

6. Foods that Trigger Gas

During the journey, you should avoid foods that have a strong odor and trigger gas such as durian, jengkol, or onions. These foods can cause dizziness and nausea in the vehicle. In addition, these foods can cause bloating and make your stomach feel uncomfortable during the journey.

7. Spicy Foods

For spicy food lovers, it is best to refrain from consuming spicy foods during the journey. Consuming too much spicy food can cause diarrhea, heartburn, and make your throat feel uncomfortable due to its oily texture. This will certainly disrupt your journey.

8. Non-Vegetarian Foods

Furthermore, foods that should be avoided during long journeys are non-vegetarian foods such as fish, meat, and chicken. This is because these foods take a long time to digest in the body, making the digestion process difficult. As a result, this will make you feel nauseous and uncomfortable.

Those are a series of foods that should be avoided during the journey. By doing so, you will feel comfortable and avoid motion sickness. Hopefully, it is useful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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