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These are 6 Signs of Stress that You Can Identify Through the Skin

These are 6 Signs of Stress that You Can Identify Through the Skin Signs of stress (credit: Freepik) - Skin is indeed one of the things that is always maintained to prevent damage. And skin damage can also occur due to several factors, one of which is stress. Therefore, signs of stress can be identified just by looking at your skin.

The signs of the skin will vary, depending on the type of stress you are experiencing. And this cannot be ignored, you must treat it immediately. What are the signs of stress that can damage the skin? As reported from various sources, let's check it out right away.



1. Excessive Irritation

Skin health is often a problem, one of which is red rashes, eczema, dermatitis, and rosacea that commonly occur due to inflammation of the skin. However, research has proven that the condition of a stressed brain can also affect skin health.

When you experience excessive stress, this can happen. Therefore, treating skin inflammation due to stress can be done by recognizing and eliminating the triggers. Or you can optimize it with a healthy diet, regular exercise, or certain therapies.

2. Excessive Oil and Acne

It turns out that excessive oil and acne can also be one of the signs that someone is experiencing stress, KLovers. And this usually happens to women. This is because uncontrolled emotions can affect hormones in the body.

And acne can appear due to hormonal imbalances that stimulate increased oil production. That's why knowing the problems in your skin by knowing the emotions in your body can make your skin healthier.

3. Oily Scalp

Not only the face, but the scalp can also affect someone who is stressed, KLovers. Because when the scalp is excessively oily, it can cause hair loss.

However, that doesn't mean it is the main cause of stress, KLovers. You can consult a doctor to make sure. In the case of oily and flaky scalp, it can indicate symptoms of eczema. Also, hair loss can be a sign of certain nutrient deficiencies.

So don't immediately conclude that it is a sign of stress. However, it can also be a major factor in causing stress. Therefore, consulting a doctor is essential if these symptoms occur.

4. Darkened Skin around the Eyes

Who here has panda eyes? Everyone usually has panda eyes when they feel tired and lack rest. And it turns out that it is true, KLovers, dark circles under the eyes indicate a lack of sleep.

In addition, stress can also cause bags under the eyes. This is because the blood vessels under the eyes become looser and swollen due to stress. If it's like this, the solution is to get enough rest, KLovers.

You can reduce smartphone activities at night before bed. In addition, try activities like yoga and wearing essential oils to calm the mind and easily fall asleep at night.

5. Fine Lines on the Face

Interestingly, fine lines on the face are a sign of stress in someone. Stress can actually make a person look older by causing wrinkles on the face. And these wrinkles usually occur due to frequent or excessive anger.

An angry expression can leave marks on the face, such as lines around the lips, wrinkles around the eyes, and lines between the eyebrows if this is done frequently. And the way to get rid of this is quite easy, KLovers, no need for complicated treatments.

You just need to reduce excessive anger and live a calmer and more relaxed life. In addition, you can gently massage the areas of the face affected by wrinkles slowly and regularly.

6. Slow-Healing Wounds

And the last sign of stress is when your wounds do not heal. Yup! Skin that is affected by stress tends to be weaker and more susceptible to infections. As a result, the skin's ability to heal wounds, scars, and acne decreases.

If this happens, you can use products that contain glycerin and hyaluronic acid. This is because both medications can help alleviate the effects of excessive sun exposure, allowing wounds to heal faster and dry.

Those are the 6 signs of stress that you can observe from your skin. The above signs do not necessarily mean that all stress causes them, KLovers, an unhealthy lifestyle can also contribute to skin damage. So it is advisable to consult a doctor.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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