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Not Enough with Regular Washing, Here are 6 Easy Ways to Remove Ink Stains from Clothes

Not Enough with Regular Washing, Here are 6 Easy Ways to Remove Ink Stains from Clothes Illustration (credit: flickr) - Stains from markers or pens on clothes can be very annoying. Especially if the ink stains are on your favorite clothes. This type of stain is classified as a stubborn stain that is difficult to remove. Removing ink stains cannot be done haphazardly. The method of removing ink stains from clothes must be done carefully.

Ink stains often accidentally stick to clothes, through pen or marker scribbles. However, ink stains that are classified as stubborn cannot be removed just by regular washing. Special materials and techniques are needed to completely remove the stains. With the help of some additional materials, ink stains can also be removed more easily.

So, how do you remove ink stains from clothes? Here are some explanations gathered from various sources.


1. Toothpaste

One of the ingredients that can be used to remove ink stains from clothes is toothpaste. This method is very suitable to be applied to white clothes. As we know, most toothpaste contains bleach, so it is suitable for white clothes.

It is very easy to do. First, apply toothpaste to the clothes that have ink stains. Then, gently rub or brush it. Do not rub or brush too hard as it can damage the fabric. Instead, it is better to repeat the process until the ink stains disappear. Once done, rinse it with clean water, then dry it.

2. Vinegar

In addition to cooking, vinegar is often used for various purposes, including removing stains from clothes. This is because vinegar has enough acid content to remove ink stains.

The method of removing ink stains with vinegar is also easy. Pour vinegar onto the clothes that have ink stains. Then, spread it evenly and let it sit for about 10 minutes.

Once done, add 1 or 2 drops of dishwashing soap to the clothes that have ink stains. Then, gently brush the stains using a toothbrush. Repeat the process until the ink stains disappear. If the stains are gone, you can proceed to wash the clothes as usual.

3. Alcohol

If you have alcohol at home, you can also use it to remove ink stains from clothes. In fact, removing ink stains with alcohol is considered fast and practical. The method is not much different from using vinegar.

You just need to drop alcohol on the stained clothes. Then, let it sit for a while and soak it in a solution of detergent and water. After that, wash it like you normally do laundry. Just make sure to scrub the stained area more carefully. Make sure to scrub it effectively so that the stain can completely disappear.

4. Acetone

Acetone, or the liquid commonly used to clean nails, can also be used to remove ink stains from clothes. The method is very easy. Simply pour a drop of acetone on the ink stain on the clothes. Then, rub it until the acetone spreads evenly on the surface of the ink stain.

Make sure the acetone penetrates the fabric fibers. To make sure, you can rub and press the cloth that has the stain. If it's done, you just need to soak the clothes in a mixture of warm water and detergent. Let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then, wash it as usual.

5. Salt

Removing ink stains from other clothes can also be done using salt. This method will be most effective if done on fresh and wet ink stains. This is because salt is believed to help absorb wet ink stains.

Sprinkle salt on the ink stain on the clothes. After that, let it sit for a while and then rub the salt on the ink stain using a wet cloth. Repeat this process for maximum results.

6. Cornstarch

Another ingredient that can be used to remove ink stains from clothes is cornstarch. This method is considered practical to do considering that cornstarch is an easily found ingredient in the kitchen. The process is also very simple.

Mix a little milk and cornstarch. Then stir until a paste-like texture is obtained. Next, apply the paste to the clothes affected by ink stains. Let it sit for a while until the paste sticks and dries on the clothes. Once done, clean it by rinsing and rubbing it until it is clean. Repeat this process for maximum results.

Those are some ways to remove ink stains from clothes. Easy, right? You can try them at home. Hope it's useful!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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