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Rarely Known, Here Are 6 Causes of Failed Diets That Are Often Unnoticed

Rarely Known, Here Are 6 Causes of Failed Diets That Are Often Unnoticed Illustration (credit: freepik) - Many people want to have an ideal body weight. To achieve it, many people try various ways, one of which is by doing a diet. Unfortunately, doing a diet doesn't guarantee that the ideal weight can be achieved. It's because diets often fail. Although experienced by many people, not many know what causes a failed diet.

However, it is very important to know the causes of a failed diet. Because, it could be the daily habits that cause the diet to fail. By knowing the causes, the diet we do with great effort will not end in vain. The goal of achieving an ideal body weight is also more likely to be achieved. So, what are the causes that can make a diet fail?

Summarized from various sources, here are some causes of failed diets that not many people know.


1. Not Consuming Carbohydrates at All

Carbohydrates are one of the intake that many people avoid when dieting. However, everyone needs an adequate intake of carbohydrates as an energy reserve. Unfortunately, when dieting, some people choose not to consume carbohydrates at all. That's why people often feel weak when dieting.

In the long run, when feeling weak, people will consume more food. As a result, the diet will only provide temporary results. Body weight will go back up afterwards. So, when dieting, pay attention to your nutrient intake, especially carbohydrates. Reduce it, but don't be deficient.

2. Skipping Breakfast

When dieting, most people tend to reduce meal times rather than portion sizes. In fact, many people intentionally skip breakfast. However, having breakfast is very important. Because breakfast is a moment to gather energy for daily activities.

In addition, according to, a study revealed that skipping breakfast can lead to diet failure. This is because people who skip breakfast tend to crave fatty foods in the afternoon and evening. If left unchecked, this will certainly make the amount of calories entering the body uncontrolled.

3. Lack of Sleep

The next cause of diet failure is lack of sleep. How can lack of sleep affect the success of a diet? It's not just about resting, sleep also plays an important role in regulating hunger hormones, ghrelin.

When we lack sleep, the production of ghrelin hormone increases, making us feel hungry quickly. As a result, we will also have more difficulty controlling our appetite. Therefore, besides paying attention to our diet, we should also pay attention to our sleep pattern. Fulfill the recommended sleep needs, which is 7-8 hours per day.

4. Excessive Exercise

Diet and exercise are indeed a perfect combination for maximum results. However, it's a different story if exercise is done excessively. Excessive exercise can actually be a cause of diet failure. Especially if the type of exercise performed is intense and solely aimed at burning calories in the body.

When dieting, it is advisable to choose light exercises. Because, regardless of the diet, the body does not receive as much nutrition as usual. Therefore, energy reserves are also more limited. Another tip is to choose exercises that you truly enjoy. This way, you can do them more relaxed and without burden.

5. Too Strict Diet

A diet that is too strict tends to not produce optimal results. In fact, a strict diet can also end up failing. When following a strict diet, we tend to restrict ourselves from consuming certain favorite foods. As a result, the diet will feel heavier and less enjoyable. 

6. Unbalanced Eating Patterns

Eating patterns are one of the key factors in the success of a diet. Unbalanced eating patterns can be a cause of diet failure. During a diet, it is advisable to follow a scheduled eating pattern. Adjust the eating schedule according to your activities and needs. You can also include healthy snacks as a treat.

Unbalanced eating patterns during a diet can not only cause failure but can also trigger various serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension.

These are some of the causes of diet failure. So, avoid the above-mentioned things so that your diet will not be in vain. Hope this is helpful!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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