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Often Fails Diet, Here Are 7 Causes of Midnight Hunger You Need to Be Aware of

Often Fails Diet, Here Are 7 Causes of Midnight Hunger You Need to Be Aware of Illustration (credit: freepik) - Almost everyone has experienced hunger in the middle of the night. When experiencing it, usually automatically we will rush to find food that can be eaten at that time. Unlike hunger during the day, it turns out there are several causes of hunger in the middle of the night. It is important to know the causes, so that we can avoid this condition.

Although it seems common and not a serious problem, midnight hunger can be very annoying if it happens when we are on a diet. As we know, eating at night can indeed risk failing the diet. Moreover, if we immediately sleep after eating. Not only does it fail the diet, this habit can also trigger serious health problems.

So, what are the causes of midnight hunger? Check out some of the following explanations, which have been summarized from various sources.


1. Eating Habits Before Bed

Eating before bed is a habit that should be avoided. Especially if the type of food consumed contains high starch because it is not good for health. The reason is that these types of foods can quickly raise blood sugar levels while sleeping.

In addition to health reasons, it turns out that eating starchy foods before bed can also be a cause of midnight hunger. As reported from, the rising sugar levels also affect the production of insulin hormone, so that body cells absorb sugar. As a result, blood sugar levels drop and hunger arises.

2. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS or premenstrual syndrome often occurs in women before their menstrual period. Until now, PMS has often been associated with fluctuating emotions and abdominal pain. In addition, being in the PMS phase can also be a cause of midnight hunger in women.

During PMS, hormone changes occur in women's bodies. One of the effects is that they tend to crave food, especially sweet snacks. Furthermore, this can be accompanied by several common symptoms, such as bloating and easy fatigue. So, when entering the PMS phase, it is better to be more cautious.

3. Stress

For some people, food is often used as an escape from stress or depression. This actually makes sense because when we are stressed, certain hormones like cortisol are released, causing the release of sugar into the bloodstream for energy. As a result, we become hungry quickly regardless of the time, including in the middle of the night.

To overcome this, you can do yoga or meditation to better regulate your emotions. When the body and mind are relaxed, stress will be better managed and the feeling of hunger will also disappear.

4. Thirst

It is possible that when you wake up from sleep and feel uncomfortable in your stomach, it is actually not hunger but just thirst. Yes, thirst is often mistaken for hunger. Dehydration is often accompanied by fatigue, making it seem like you are hungry.

So, when you wake up in the middle of the night feeling hungry, try drinking a large glass of water first. Then, wait for a few minutes to see your stomach's reaction. If the urge to eat disappears, it means that what you are experiencing is not hunger, but just thirst.

5. Sports at Night

Sports is one of the physical activities that is very beneficial for body health. Sports can provide many benefits for the body, such as controlling blood sugar spikes. During exercise, blood sugar levels will decrease because the active muscles also absorb sugar from the blood.

Due to time constraints, people often exercise at night. Although it is still beneficial for health, exercising at night can trigger hunger during sleep. This is because the decrease in blood sugar levels during exercise at night can occur drastically. As a result, we will feel hungry more quickly.

6. Pregnancy

In addition to PMS, pregnant women are also more at risk of experiencing hunger in the middle of the night. It is a common secret that pregnant women have an increased appetite. Although it is considered normal, pregnant women should still pay attention to the types of food consumed in the middle of the night.

Choose high-protein snacks or a glass of warm milk. Both are believed to keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the night.

7. Night Eating Syndrome (NES)

The next cause of late-night hunger is a eating disorder called Night eating syndrome (NES). This disorder causes a person to have a decreased appetite in the morning. On the contrary, the appetite increases in the evening. Additionally, this often affects sleep difficulties.

Those are some of the causes of late-night hunger. Hope it is useful!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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