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6 Ways and Reasons Why Many Korean Women Have Slim Bodies

6 Ways and Reasons Why Many Korean Women Have Slim Bodies Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Having a slim body is indeed the dream of every woman, that's why many of them follow a diet program. One of the diet programs carried out by Korean women. There are many ways and reasons why many Korean women have slim bodies.

That's why many women are curious about the methods used by Korean women to maintain their ideal bodies. Not only a healthy lifestyle, but the methods used by Korean women to lose weight are quite healthy and not extreme, KLovers.

What are the ways and reasons why many Korean women have slim bodies? According to various sources, let's find out, KLovers.


1. Consuming Fish

The first way that makes Korean women slim is by consuming fish. It is not unfamiliar that Korea, Japan, and China are countries that consume a lot of fish. Fish is one of the delicious foods for them.

In addition, fish is a very good source of protein when you are on a diet. The high content of unsaturated fats and omega-3 keeps the body healthy and prevents unhealthy fat accumulation in the body.

2. Consuming Plenty of Fiber

Interestingly, some Korean people really like vegetables, KLovers. Many of their foods contain high amounts of vegetables and fiber. They can consume more vegetables than Indonesian people, and that is one of the reasons why their bodies do not experience weight gain.

This is because high fiber can improve digestion in the body. Fiber can also provide a longer feeling of fullness, so you don't overeat. And you don't consume too much food that contains high carbohydrates when accompanied by high fiber.

3. Not Using Much Oil

The next thing is, Korean people don't use a lot of oil, KLovers. Only certain foods use cooking oil, most of them use sesame oil without frying.

This is certainly one of the healthy lifestyles for Korean people. Because sesame oil contains a lot of benefits, such as being a good source of fat, rich in antioxidants, maintaining heart health, and many more.

4. Choosing Public Transportation

Next is using public transportation, in Korea people prefer to use public transportation, KLovers. By using public transportation, you will automatically walk more to reach your destination.

Even residential areas in Korea are often located on hills, so this requires more energy and burns more calories. And it's true that someone who regularly walks can lose weight. So you can use this method to lose weight.

5. Drinking Barley Tea

Apparently, barley tea is one of the secrets of Korean women having slim body skin, KLovers. This type of tea is easy to find in Korean restaurants with a taste that is somewhat similar to roasted peanuts. And this drink is not unfamiliar to Korean women in order to have a beautiful body and glowing face.

In fact, Korean women have been consuming this tea since they were very young. This is because the fiber content in barley tea can make the skin healthier. In addition, barley tea is also rich in antioxidants and can improve our blood circulation, including on the face. And this tea is very suitable for those of you who are on a diet, as it can help in weight loss.

6. Weight Loss is a Serious Matter

And the last way to get a slim body like Korean women is through commitment. Yup! Apparently, weight loss is a very serious matter in the land of ginseng, that's why Korean mothers have been taking care of their children's weight since they were young.

That's why many Korean women set their mindset that ideal weight is the most important thing. And they will be very sensitive if their weight increases even just a little bit.

Those are the 6 ways and reasons why many Korean women have a slim body. Leading a healthy lifestyle and committing to not having a fat body are the things that make them have an ideal body.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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