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Get to Know, These 6 Body Parts Don't Need Regular Cleaning

Get to Know, These 6 Body Parts Don't Need Regular Cleaning Illustration (credit: - Maintaining body hygiene is an important part of beauty care that cannot be overlooked. Because besides supporting a captivating and fresh appearance, maintaining cleanliness can also improve body health. However, it turns out that there are several parts of the body that do not need to be cleaned regularly.

As is generally known, bathing is a mandatory routine that must be done by everyone to keep the body clean and free from bacteria and germs. Several parts of the body are prone to dust and dirt, such as feet, hands, hair, or face, which cannot be overlooked. Because by maintaining body hygiene, indirectly the body will be healthier and protected from the risks of diseases caused by bacteria or germs.

However, not many people know that there are several parts of the body that do not need to be cleaned regularly. Most of them are not aware that regularly cleaning these body parts can potentially lead to certain health problems.

So, what are the body parts that do not need to be cleaned regularly?

The body parts that do not need to be cleaned regularly are listed in the points below. By knowing these body parts that do not need to be cleaned regularly, you can consider before cleaning them. Here are 6 body parts that apparently do not need to be cleaned regularly.



1. Ears

One of the body parts that do not need regular cleaning is the ears. As we know, cleaning the ears requires caution to avoid causing health problems. There are several ear cleaning tools commonly used to remove earwax, such as cotton buds. However, unfortunately, cotton buds are considered to be one of the tools that can actually cause problems if used incorrectly.

According to, the skin of the ear canal is known to be more sensitive and prone to irritation. Therefore, the common use of cotton buds as an ear cleaning tool is feared to cause problems in the ears. To avoid such health issues, it is necessary to consult a healthcare professional before cleaning the ear canal.

2. Hair

Another body part that doesn't need to be cleaned regularly is hair. Many people are unaware that cleaning their hair regularly can actually cause damage. According to, washing your hair too often can cause dermatitis on the scalp. The influence of shampoos that contain various chemical compounds can be one of the factors causing this disorder.

Although it is not yet known how often it is ideal to clean your hair scientifically, cleaning it when your hair feels oily can be done. In addition, the condition of the scalp and hair also needs to be considered to determine the ideal time to wash your hair.

3. Eyes

The body part that apparently does not need to be cleaned regularly is the eyes. As known, this sense of sight has quite a few functions that support daily activities. Although maintaining cleanliness is important, cleaning the eyes does not need to be done routinely. Because, as reported by, the lacrimal gland itself is known to produce tears that can clean and protect the eyes from various particles.

"The lacrimal gland produces tears that not only help lubricate the eyes but also function to clean and protect the eyes from dirt and other irritations," said Dr. Okeke-Igbokwe as reported by

4. Nose

Another body part that does not need to be cleaned regularly is the nose. Similar to the sense of hearing and sight, the nose also does not need to be cleaned routinely. Although it cannot be denied that maintaining its cleanliness is necessary to prevent certain health risks.

However, frequent cleaning of the nose can actually cause health problems such as nasal irritation and nosebleeds. In addition, it is advisable to avoid cleaning the nose with hands, but there are several special nose cleaning products that can be chosen. However, consultation with a healthcare professional is needed before using them to prevent any problems that may arise.

5. Navel

The navel is also a part of the body that does not need to be cleaned regularly. Because the skin in the navel area is known to be thinner and more sensitive. Therefore, this area does not need to be cleaned routinely to prevent potential problems such as infection or irritation. To maintain its cleanliness, consultation with a doctor is necessary to get appropriate advice regarding navel hygiene.

6. Intimate Area

Another part of the body that does not need to be cleaned regularly is the intimate area. As we know, it is important for every woman to maintain cleanliness in the intimate area. However, regularly cleaning the intimate area can actually disrupt the health of that area. According to, when cleaning the intimate area using soap or other cleansing products, it can affect the balance of good bacteria in the intimate area. This happens because the pH level of the cleansing products can affect the condition of the intimate area.

So those are the 6 parts of the body that don't need to be cleaned regularly. Consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary before cleaning these sensitive areas to prevent potential problems.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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