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Don't Panic, These 6 Foods Can Increase Appetite in Babies

Don't Panic, These 6 Foods Can Increase Appetite in Babies Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Food for babies is indeed one of the important things to pay attention to. That's why finding out which foods can increase appetite in babies is important for you to do. Because sometimes babies may lack appetite.

But be careful, KLovers, even though they are healthy, there are some foods that can actually cause allergies in babies, because they are still very sensitive. Not only increasing appetite, but paying attention to the food intake for babies is also the main thing you can do to process the food.

What are some foods that can increase appetite in your child? According to various sources, here are 6 healthy foods that can increase appetite in babies. Let's check it out.


1. Ginger

The first food to increase appetite in babies is ginger. Yup! It turns out that this food can increase appetite in children, especially in babies. But if you're afraid of it being too spicy, don't give too much ginger to your child.

You can add a little ginger to the soup that your child will consume. Besides increasing appetite, ginger can also make your child's body healthier. However, make sure that your child is over 8 months old when giving ginger as a complementary food.

2. Turmeric

Next, there is turmeric, which is another food to increase appetite in children. Don't worry, you can add turmeric to your baby's complementary food menu. This is because fresh turmeric can increase your baby's appetite and reduce fever.

This is because turmeric contains antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can reduce fever in babies, improve immune system, and increase appetite. So don't hesitate to add a little turmeric to increase your child's appetite.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon can actually be consumed not only by adults, but also by babies who are in the complementary feeding phase. You can add cinnamon to your child's complementary feeding menu, so that their appetite increases.

Cinnamon always adds flavor and aroma, making it able to stimulate the appetite of babies who have difficulty eating. It doesn't have to be cinnamon powder, when boiling potatoes for complementary feeding, you can boil them together with cinnamon.

This is because cinnamon contains hydroxychalcone, which is very effective in increasing the appetite of children and adults. However, it should be noted that cinnamon should only be given when the child is over 8 months old.

4. Legumes

Legumes are one of the foods that are rich in zinc, and this content can help improve digestion and increase a child's appetite. However, not all children can consume legumes, so this needs to be taken into consideration.

In addition, it is advisable not to let children consume whole legumes. Make sure to let the legumes be slightly smaller or mashed. This is to prevent choking and make it easier to consume.

5. Carrots

Not only spices, it turns out that vegetables can also stimulate appetite in children. This is because carrots can stimulate hunger and prepare the digestive system to receive food.

You can make carrots into juice or mix them with the food your child will consume. And carrots are certainly one of the safe foods for your baby to consume.

6. Avocado

And the last food that can increase a child's appetite is avocado. Yup! Not only vegetables, it turns out that fruits can also stimulate appetite in children, one of which is avocado. This is because the savory taste of avocado makes it very popular, including with children.

In addition, avocado is also high in calories and contains 20 types of vitamins and minerals, as well as unsaturated fats. Like carrots, avocado can also be served in various ways. You can cut it into small pieces for your little one to snack on, or you can make it into juice.

Those are the 6 foods that can stimulate a good appetite in children. These foods not only stimulate appetite, but also provide nutrition for your children.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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