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Prone to Attack Women, Here are 7 Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases, One of Which is Hair Loss

Prone to Attack Women, Here are 7 Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases, One of Which is Hair Loss Symptoms of autoimmune diseases (credit: - Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the immune system attacks its own tissues. In fact, the immune system should function to protect the body against diseases and harmful cells, such as bacteria and viruses. One of the frequently heard autoimmune diseases is lupus. This disease can affect anyone. However, women have twice the risk compared to men.

Why is that? This happens because of several factors such as sex hormones, where women have higher estrogen hormones, making them susceptible to this disease. In addition, the difference in immune system resilience, where women are also higher than men, becomes a double-edged sword for women, increasing autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, it can be caused by genetic factors as women are more prone to autoimmune diseases.

To detect this disease as early as possible, you also need to know the symptoms of autoimmune diseases themselves. Considering that this disease is dangerous, here are a series of symptoms of autoimmune diseases that you need to know. Instead of being curious, let's directly read the complete review below.



1. Joint Pain

The first symptom of autoimmune disease is experiencing early joint pain. Usually, the most commonly affected joints are the knee joints, wrist joints, back of the hand, and fingers. This pain occurs on both the left and right sides. It is often accompanied by swelling and stiffness, making it very painful and difficult to move.

2. Drastic Weight Gain and Loss

People with autoimmune disorders will experience drastic changes in weight. This can be felt when consuming food and engaging in physical activities that remain unchanged, but the weight changes drastically. You need to consult with a healthcare professional as soon as possible.

3. Frequent Fatigue and Tiredness

Often, someone who suffers from autoimmune diseases will experience early symptoms where the body will experience muscle weakness without any clear cause. This muscle weakness usually starts in the legs. In addition, the patient will also experience tingling and numbness. Autoimmune patients also experience sudden or prolonged fatigue before eventually improving.

4. Skin Rash

The condition of the skin is often the first thing to be noticed when autoimmune diseases appear. Any unusual rash, redness, itching, or sensitive skin areas, even acne, can be a sign that something is wrong with the body's defense system. Although these symptoms cannot be directly linked to autoimmune diseases, they still need to be observed, especially if there is a family history of autoimmune diseases.

5. Digestive Disorders

One of the most common symptoms of autoimmune diseases is abnormal bowel movements, such as constipation or diarrhea. In addition, you may experience discomfort such as abdominal pain, cramps, and bloating. Although these symptoms are not exclusive to autoimmune diseases, if digestive disorders occur along with other autoimmune symptoms, you need to seek specific medical treatment.

6. Persistent Flu

Usually, the flu is accompanied by signs such as fever, chills, and muscle pain. These symptoms are often not considered serious by sufferers. However, it could be the beginning of an autoimmune condition. The difference is that the flu will recover and improve within four to ten days. Meanwhile, autoimmune diseases can last for weeks or even months in a cycle of recurrence.

7. Hair Loss

Hair loss is often considered trivial. However, it could be that hair loss is a condition where the body is affected by autoimmune diseases. Yes, hair that has always been a crown, if it continues to fall out, can certainly ruin one's appearance. Usually, someone who is affected by this disease will lose a significant amount of hair in a short period of time.

Those are a series of symptoms of autoimmune diseases that you need to be aware of. Although autoimmune diseases cannot be cured, they can be helped with the use of various immune system suppressant drugs. Hopefully, this information is useful.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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