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7 Typhoid-Friendly Foods, Can Aid in Body Recovery

7 Typhoid-Friendly Foods, Can Aid in Body Recovery Illustration (credit: - There are a number of food that is friendly for typhoid patients that can help restore body health. Because the nutritional content and vitamins in certain foods are believed to alleviate typhoid symptoms and restore body health. These foods can also be one of the choices to naturally overcome typhoid.

Typhoid is a health disorder that attacks the body due to an infection by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi. This disease is also commonly known as typhoid fever. In addition, the body can be exposed to the bacteria through contaminated food and drinks. When the body suffers from typhoid, there are several symptoms that arise including fever, diarrhea, headache, and abdominal pain.

It should not be taken lightly, delayed treatment of typhoid can lead to a higher risk of contracting the disease. Although most cases are caused by food contaminated with bacteria, there are a number of food that is friendly for typhoid patients. Not only that, this food is also suitable for recovery after experiencing typhoid.

So what are the friendly foods for typhoid sufferers?

There are several points below that are friendly foods for typhoid sufferers and good for recovery. This food can be your choice to help maximize typhoid healing. Here are 7 friendly foods for typhoid sufferers for recovery summarized from various sources.

1. High Carbohydrate Foods

The first typhoid-friendly food is high in carbohydrates. The carbohydrate content can help alleviate typhoid symptoms. Because when experiencing this illness, one of the symptoms felt by the patient is diarrhea. Where diarrhea causes more frequent bowel movements than usual and the feces appear looser.

Foods containing carbohydrates include semi-solid foods that are easily digested and prevent diarrhea symptoms. Some carbohydrate-rich foods such as rice, potatoes, and boiled eggs can be choices for typhoid patients as reported by

2. Foods Containing Water

Water-containing foods are friendly for typhoid patients. These foods can restore the health of the body for typhoid patients. Because when experiencing typhoid, more fluid is needed to prevent dehydration. So one way to prevent dehydration is by fulfilling fluid needs.

There are several high-water-containing foods that can be chosen for typhoid patients, such as fresh fruits with high water content like watermelon, melon, grapes. In addition, there are other foods that can be chosen such as young coconut water, vegetable broth, or lime juice as reported by

3. Foods Containing Calories

can provide strength and increase energy for typhoid patients as reported by Some high-calorie foods include boiled potatoes, bananas, boiled rice, pasta, and white bread can be chosen. However, before consuming these foods, make sure to consult with a healthcare professional to avoid other health risks if you have allergies to foods containing calories.

4. Milk

Some dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cottage cheese are also friendly foods for typhoid patients. Because these foods contain beneficial proteins for typhoid patients, including recovering body healing after experiencing this health disorder. In addition, these foods are easily digested by the body. Besides containing protein, dairy products also have healthy nutrients and beneficial vitamins for the body. However, to obtain maximum benefits, consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary to obtain appropriate advice.

5. Protein-Rich Foods

Friendly foods for typhoid patients and good for subsequent body recovery are protein-rich foods. Although previously known that dairy products contain high protein that is beneficial for typhoid patients, there are several other protein-rich foods that offer similar benefits. These foods are suitable for consumption, especially for those who are vegetarian. Among them are peas, which also offer similar benefits with high protein content.

6. Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are quite beneficial for typhoid patients and good for body recovery. Some foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include seafood, nuts, grains, and green leafy vegetables. The omega-3 fatty acids content is known to help reduce body inflammation, which is suitable for typhoid patient recovery. Not only for typhoid, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are also beneficial for body health, such as promoting eye health, controlling weight, preventing cancer, and so on.

7. Foods to Avoid for Typhoid Patients

After knowing some typhoid-friendly foods, it is also important to know some foods that should be avoided. The foods that should be avoided for typhoid patients are listed in the points below as reported by

- High-fiber foods.

- Foods containing oil.

- Spicy foods.

- Foods that cause bloating.

Those are 7 typhoid-friendly foods for body recovery. In addition to consuming the above foods, maintaining personal hygiene and adopting a healthy lifestyle are necessary to prevent typhoid. Moreover, consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary to obtain maximum benefits and appropriate advice.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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