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Not Because of Emotional Reasons, These Are 9 Causes of Watery Eyes

Not Because of Emotional Reasons, These Are 9 Causes of Watery Eyes Causes of watery eyes (credit: - Besides emotional factors such as feeling happy and sad, eyes can also become watery due to several factors. The causes of watery eyes can be quite disturbing to vision if they occur continuously. It should not be taken lightly, as watery eyes can be a sign of visual health problems.

There are several common eye health problems ranging from nearsightedness, farsightedness, dry eyes, to cataracts. These conditions can be caused by factors such as age, bacterial and viral infections, side effects of medication, and allergies. Regardless of these factors, tears are a natural way to maintain eye health.

For example, tears can help moisturize the eyes, clean them from dust, and protect them. Although tears have benefits, frequent watery eyes can actually be a sign of certain eye problems. This is because, besides emotional factors such as crying and happiness.

So what are the causes of watery eyes?

The causes of watery eyes are listed in the following points. Here are 9 causes of watery eyes that have been summarized from various sources.




1. Disorders in the Tear Duct

One of the causes of frequent watery eyes is disorders in the tear duct. This can occur when the tear duct is blocked or narrowed, causing tears to accumulate and frequently make the eyes watery. Disorders in the tear duct can occur due to several factors such as injury, infection, inflammation, and age-related factors, as reported by

In addition, some people may have small and narrow tear ducts, which can cause the eyes to frequently water. To determine the exact cause of this condition, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.


2. Dry Eyes

Another cause of frequent watery eyes is experiencing dry eyes. Dry eyes occur when there is an imbalance between oil production and tears, causing the eyes to dry out quickly. This condition can cause the eyes to produce more tears as a reaction, as reported by Therefore, experiencing frequent watery eyes can be a sign of dry eyes. However, further examination with a healthcare professional is needed to determine the exact cause.


3. Experiencing Irritation

Another cause of watery eyes is irritation of the visual senses. Irritation in the eyes can occur due to several factors such as side effects of medication, use of soft lenses, or exposure to free radicals and weather conditions. In this case, frequent watery eyes can be a sign of eye irritation. According to, eyes experiencing irritation will try to increase the amount of tears as a response to the problem, causing more watery eyes than usual.


4. Allergy

Similar to irritation, allergies in the eyes can also cause watery eyes. These allergies can cause itching, swelling, watery eyes, and redness around the eyes. If these conditions occur, they can be the cause of watery eyes. To alleviate these conditions, using special eye medication can be an option. Further examination is needed if allergies persist for a long duration.


5. Eyelashes Growing Inwards

Another cause of frequent watery eyes is the growth of eyelashes inwards. This condition can cause discomfort and irritation to the eyes. As a result, the eyes become more watery due to the eyelashes growing inwards. According to, to overcome this problem, the assistance of a specialist doctor is usually needed to obtain proper treatment. This includes removing the eyelashes that grow inwards to prevent more serious effects.


6. Red Eyes

Another cause of frequent watery eyes is experiencing problems with the eyes, also known as pink eye. This condition is characterized by symptoms such as itching and watery eyes. The red color that appears is due to the dilation of blood vessels, causing red eyes. One common factor in the occurrence of eye disorders is caused by a virus. Further treatment is required to overcome health problems related to vision.


7. Bumps on Eyelids

The cause of frequent watery eyes can also be due to eyelid problems. This condition causes the eyelids to become irritated and bumps to appear on the eyelids. This condition is often known as a stye, which is one of the causes of frequent watery eyes. Inflammation of the eyelids occurs due to bacterial infection, leading to the accumulation of dirt around the eyelids.


8. Blepharitis

The cause of frequent watery eyes can also be caused by blepharitis. Blepharitis is a disorder of the visual organs, especially the eyelids, which experience inflammation. This condition can cause irritation, redness, and watery eyes. To address this condition, consultation with a healthcare professional can be considered further.


9. Oil Gland Problems

Oil glands can have problems and cause frequent watery eyes. These oil glands in the eyes are often called meibomian glands, which help produce oil to prevent dry eyes and retain tears. Therefore, disorders of the oil glands in the eyes can cause watery eyes and irritation.

So those are 9 causes of watery eyes besides emotional factors such as crying and happiness. Consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary if experiencing any of the above problems.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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